
Rewiring Professional Athletes

Featuring: Ryan Cain
It was April Fools day 2012 when Ryan Cain decided to get sober.

Rewiring Your Marriage

Featuring: Limor Gallo
One woman, one man, two kids, a dog, over twenty years of sharing the ups and downs of life together, in a crazy town called Los Angeles, and yet they are still in love!

Rewiring Your Pain Management

Featuring: Dr. Lewis Nelson
The opioid and fentanyl epidemics have touched every one of our lives.

Rewiring Your Intimacy

Featuring: Mel Schwartz
Reality is altogether uncertain.

Rewiring Your Detox

Featuring: Cheree Ashley
When there is help, there is hope.

Rewiring Your Beverage Choices

Featuring: Daina Trout
Daina Trout first learned how to brew kombucha during her tenure at Tufts University.

Rewiring Your Smoking

Featuring: Ike Sutton
When we talk about addiction on this show, it's often around drugs and alcohol.

Rewiring Your Intervention

Featuring: Anika Cooper and Kristina Wandzilak
Today we're talking to two incredible women doing essential work in the addiction, recovery, and intervention space.

Rewiring Your Snacks

Featuring: Julie Podolec
Modern Pop popsicles were born out of our guest's kitchen when they could not find a simple ingredient frozen fruit bar to help soothe their first-born son’s teething.

Rewiring Your Recovery

Featuring: Dr. Danielle Dick
DNA doesn’t just code for brown or blue eyes, curly or straight hair, it influences the way we move through the world.
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