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Get to Know our RRH Oncology/Cancer Coordinator, Sandra Brown

Did you know Ridgecrest Regional Hospital has a Oncology/Cancer Coordinator? We would like to introduce our RRH Oncology/Cancer Coordinator Sandra Brown.

Get to Know our RRH Oncology/Cancer Coordinator, Sandra Brown
Sandra Brown

Sandra Brown is our RRH Oncology/Cancer Care Coordinator. Sandra has been working at Ridgecrest Regional Hospital for eight years and is here to assist and support patients after a diagnosis of cancer.


Prakash Chandran (Host): At Ridgecrest Regional Hospital, our cancer care coordinators are committed to supporting patients diagnosed with cancer by offering the education and resources they need to connect with the right treatment team. We're going to talk about it today with Sandra Brown. She's a Cancer Care Coordinator at Ridgecrest Regional Hospital.

Host: Welcome to the Ridgecrest Regional Hospital Podcast. I'm your host, Prakash Chandran. Sandra, thank you so much for joining us today. I really appreciate your time. You know, why don't we get started with the basics? What exactly is the role of the Oncology Cancer Care Coordinator?

Sandra Brown: So, my role is to assist and support patients after they've gotten a diagnosis of cancer. Since we no longer have a cancer center here in Ridgecrest, I want to make sure that our cancer patients receive the care they need, as well as continue with their continuity of care. I am a resource for patients should they need any assistance with getting appointments, information regarding a diagnosis, and may help with any issues that may arise. I'm also here for emotional support because when you receive a diagnosis, it can be very difficult and I want patients to know that my door is always open for them and their families, even if they just need someone to talk to.

Host: Yeah, it's amazing to have a resource like you there. Now, you mentioned a continuity of care. What exactly does that mean?

Sandra Brown: So for patients that already have a diagnosis of cancer, I want to make sure that they're continuing to get their treatment because we did have some patients that were seen here at the hospital. So, I'm just making sure they're continuing to get the care that they need.

Host: Okay. Now, what about referrals? Is that something that you can help patients with?

Sandra Brown: Absolutely. I'm able to help coordinate the oncology referrals as well as helping with coordination of care. Sometimes the stress of trying to get a consult and figuring out which facility to go to and which ones cover your insurance can be a bit overwhelming. And I'm here to make that process easier on the patients. I'm able to help you choose a facility that meets all your needs and make sure the referral is set and the facility contacts the patients to schedule the visit. That way they don't have the stress of having to do all of it.

Host: Yeah, I imagine that obviously it's a very emotional time and there's a lot of logistics that go into referrals and just making sure that everything is coordinated properly, and that is something that you can help with. Is that correct?

Sandra Brown: Absolutely.

Host: So, you mentioned services have changed a little bit. Can you talk specifically about the services that Ridgecrest can offer cancer patients now?

Sandra Brown: Absolutely. So, we're still able to provide labs and imaging scans, including the PET CT scans. In order to have these services, you just need to have an order from your oncologist and bring them into our facility, and we're able to do the testing and get those results sent over to your oncologist.

Host: Okay. Well, that is very good to hear. What about assisting with transportation services for those who have to drive out of town for their appointments?

Sandra Brown: So, that's really difficult. There are a few services for patients that have straight Medi-Cal or a Medi-Cal Advantage plan, otherwise known as an HMO, their insurance actually does provide transportation for these patients, as well as the American Cancer Society does have volunteers that can take you to and from your treatments if they have a volunteer available. And the patients can always contact me and I can give them all that information.

Host: Yeah. So, you're mentioning they can contact you. What is the best way to do that? And can they schedule an in person appointment to discuss any questions or concerns that they have?

Sandra Brown: So patients and even family members can contact me Monday through Friday from seven 30 to three 30. I'm available for patients to come into my office. I understand that receiving a cancer diagnosis can be very difficult time for patients and their family members. And I'm thankful that I'm able to be a resource for them.

Host: Yeah. So, let's just talk a little bit more about that piece of it. Now, you've obviously worked with a lot of different patients and their families. Is there a takeaway or a piece of advice that you can leave with potential patients and their family members as they go through this time?

Sandra Brown: I just want them to know that I'm here. And this is a very difficult portion of someone's life to be diagnosed with cancer. And it doesn't just affect the patients. It affects all the family members too. And I know it can be very, very overwhelming. So, I just want patients to know that I'm here for anything, whether you need assistance, getting an appointment, if you need someone to talk to, if you have a confusion about something, if you're having difficulty, that's what I am here for, to try to help lessen the stress on the patients and the family members.

Host: And I want to talk specifically about the family members who might be supporting the patient. What is your recommendation around ways that they can help support or work with someone like you as a cancer care coordinator to make the patient's life as easy as possible?

Sandra Brown: So, there's a lot of resources for family members. You can go online a lot of times and they have support groups with other family members just to help each other out. And I also suggest that you take a little me time sometimes as well, because sometimes the family needs to de-stress as well, but I do have lots of options that I can help you with. And even if the family member just needs to speak with me, I'm here for them as well.

Host: Okay. That's wonderful to know. Just before we wrap up here today, is there anything else that you wanted to share with our audience?

Sandra Brown: I just want everybody to know that Ridgecrest Regional Hospital is here for our patients. And if they need anything, please contact us.

Host: Well, Sandra, thank you so much for your time today. It's been really informative and just so wonderful that there is a resource like you at Ridgecrest to help both the patient and their family.

Sandra Brown: Thank you. You have a great day.

Host: That was Sandra Brown, Cancer Care Coordinator at Ridgecrest Regional Hospital. To learn more about Ridgecrest Regional Hospital's Cancer Care Coordinator team, you can visit and search cancer care in the search box at the top of the page. If you found this podcast helpful, please consider sharing it on your social channels and be sure to check out the entire podcast library for topics of interest to you.

Thanks again for checking out this episode of the Ridgecrest Regional Hospital Podcast. My name is Prakash Chandran. And until next time, stay well.