Get to know Regional One Health Cancer Care medical oncologist Dr. Bilawal Ahmed, who specializes in the treatment of prostate cancer and lung cancer. Learn more about what drives Dr. Ahmed to provide exceptional patient care, and about his passion for international travel.
Getting to Know Dr. Bilawal Ahmed, Regional One Health Medical Oncologist
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Bilawal Ahmed, MD
Bilawal Ahmed, MD is a board-certified hematologist and oncologist at Regional One Health. He obtained his medical degree from Sindh Medical College in Karachi, Pakistan and is currently pursuing his Master’s in Health Administration degree from Louisiana State University in Shreveport.
Learn more about Bilawal Ahmed, MD
Getting to Know Dr. Bilawal Ahmed, Regional One Health Medical Oncologist
Prakash Chandran : One-on-one with Regional One Health is your inside. Look at how we're building healthier tomorrows for our patients and our community.
Prakash Chandran: Join us as we get to know some of the individuals who are help providing life-saving, life-changing care for our community. My name is Prakash Chandran. And today, we're going to get to know Dr. Billy Ahmed, a medical oncologist at Regional One Health Cancer Care, who specializes in the treatment of prostate, bladder, kidney, and lung cancer.
Dr. Ahmed, really appreciate you joining us today. Thank you so much for your time. I wanted to get started by asking what exactly motivated you to pursue a career in medicine and specifically in caring for patients with cancer?
Dr. Bilawal Ahmed: Hey, thank you, Prakash, for the opportunity to speak to you. I believe, I think it was my parents. They were both doctors, so we kind of saw them and grew seeing them being doctors. So, I think that was the first inclination towards medicine. During my medicine training, then I saw that, "Hey, there's somewhat an opportunity in oncology," which is super exciting. There are new stuff coming in and the patients really needed that care. So, that drew me to oncology.
Prakash Chandran: Yeah. And you can absolutely have such a big impact in oncology. Tell me, what's the most rewarding part for you about providing care to patients at Regional One Health Cancer Care.
Dr. Bilawal Ahmed: I would say the patient's appreciation of what I do with their cancer care. So, medicine itself is generally an underappreciated field. But when I see patients who are actually fighting for their lives, the patients that I see are the ones that, unfortunately, they only see me as a hope for them. And when I see that, how appreciations I get during the whole process, I think that's the thing that keeps me motivated to do this more.
Prakash Chandran: Yeah. And just talking about the patient relationship, when there's that initial diagnosis, it's obviously an overwhelming experience and it's something that you as a doctor have to be mindful of and prepared for. Can you talk a little bit about how you deliver care in a way that helps them through that initial reaction and how your relationship with them unfolds over time?
Dr. Bilawal Ahmed: Yes, definitely. So, I'll answer it in a way that the patient population that we see here at Regional One, they're actually the ones that are really not able to see doctors or they don't have access to quality healthcare. So when they come to my clinic, firstly, I think it's an opportunity for me to help them in a way and kind of providing the standard of care, standard of excellence to them. So, the patients are really appreciative of that.
Secondly, compassion is super important when you're an oncologist because you have to understand that you're dealing with a very life-threatening situation. So, listening to the patient's concerns, like it can be overwhelming. But during the training you learn to just listen to them and sometimes they just need to be listened to.
And the third thing is, I think, it's a trust that needs to be developed. And once they trust you, I think the outcomes are really good.
Prakash Chandran: Yeah, absolutely. So, that trust is obviously developed over time. One of the things that I had spoken to with another one of your colleagues is the fact that you do have a multidisciplinary team and that obviously allows you to take a holistic look at the patient and give them exactly what they need. Can you speak a little bit to that?
Dr. Bilawal Ahmed: Exactly. So, here at Regional One, I think the good part about our cancer center here, like we're super specialized, even being cancer doctor. So as you mentioned in the introduction that I specialize in prostate, bladder, kidney, and lung cancer, which actually gives me an opportunity to learn more and go into detail about these cancer types.
Similarly, I have my colleagues in the surgical space who specializes in the organ type. And similarly, we have radiation doctors. So, just being specialized and knowing so much in and out of the field keeps us abreast of the latest innovations in cancer care. And we have this multidisciplinary tumor boards where we discuss ideas, exchange ideas about how to take care of one specific patient. So, I think they really get the best care here.
Prakash Chandran: Yeah. Wonderful. You know, I always like to take some time to get to know you as a person behind the lab coat and behind the MD. Can you tell us a little bit about your life outside of being a doctor?
Dr. Bilawal Ahmed: Yeah. So, I grew up in Pakistan, I was born there. And then, I moved to United States where I pursued my training in medicine and in oncology. I have a wife who is a rheumatologist. And I have two young kids. They're actually two under two and a half, so the older one is two and a half, the younger one is like a newborn this year. So keeping busy.
Prakash Chandran: You're in it.
Dr. Bilawal Ahmed: Yeah.
Prakash Chandran: Yeah. Wonderful. So, that doesn't probably leave much time for hobbies, I imagine. Just kind of spending time with the kids and just keeping them alive, right?
Dr. Bilawal Ahmed: Exactly. That's the first goal. Secondly, we do like to take some time off or time out with them. Traveling still with the kids is a priority for us just because we want to continue what we used to do before them. So like we have a trip planned to Kabul for the New Year's. You know, something like even with younger kids, we are able to do fortunately.
Prakash Chandran: Yeah, I love that. Like I understand that you are actually very passionate about travel and even have a goal of visiting one new country a year. Maybe talk to us about some of the favorite places that you've been and tell us why.
Dr. Bilawal Ahmed: Yeah. The first country that I visited was Egypt. And I think it was kind of a unique experience because of the culture that they have to offer. Then, we have been to the European countries, some South Asian countries, of course, to Mexico and Canada. So yeah, we have traveled a little bit. We would like to explore more, definitely
Prakash Chandran: Now, you said obviously Kabul's coming up. But outside of that, what's like next on your list?
Dr. Bilawal Ahmed: I think that the place that we have not traveled is the east, like Japan, Australia, and New Zealand. So, maybe, hopefully, they'll be the goal for next year.
Prakash Chandran: Nice. Yeah, you mentioned everything that was on my list, so I'll be right there with you, my friend. Well, if you don't mind, as we start to close, I'd love to ask some like quick fire questions and have you answer them. Would that be okay?
Dr. Bilawal Ahmed: Let's do it.
Prakash Chandran: Awesome. What was your very first job?
Dr. Bilawal Ahmed: It was in healthcare. I was a research assistant after medical school.
Prakash Chandran: Wow. You've been taking care of people for a long time, right?
Dr. Bilawal Ahmed: Yeah. Yeah. It was all medical, yes. Fortunately, I didn't have to do something outside, so I think I'll take it as a clue, yes.
Prakash Chandran: Tell us about a hero or someone that inspires you.
Dr. Bilawal Ahmed: Just my mentor, Dr. Dodd, who was my program director at my fellowship. Super nice guy. I mean, I think the part of that I learned from him was the humility that he was like an 80-year-old hematologist oncologist. But the way he used to treat the colleagues and the trainees with such respect, I really admire that.
Prakash Chandran: Yeah, that's amazing. Your favorite food or drink?
Dr. Bilawal Ahmed: I'd say biryani or buttered chicken, either of it. The drink will be just plain old water.
Prakash Chandran: Wow. Favorite genre of music to listen to?
Dr. Bilawal Ahmed: I like the fusion, like the Balkan Mediterranean fusion. I really like the gypsy feeling. So, that genre I really like.
Prakash Chandran: And final question, if you weren't practicing medicine, what do you think you'd be doing?
Dr. Bilawal Ahmed: I think I would be like a hedge fund manager or investment banker or something like that. Really like that part of finance.
Prakash Chandran: Okay. And finally, do you watch Billions?
Dr. Bilawal Ahmed: I did. I really enjoyed the show.
Prakash Chandran: All right. So, are you an Axelrod or a Rhoades guy?
Dr. Bilawal Ahmed: I think I'm an Axelrod.
Prakash Chandran: Me too. Me too. Well, I think that's the perfect place to end, Dr. Ahmed. Thank you so much for your time
Dr. Bilawal Ahmed: Thank you so much, Prakash. It was fun talking to you.
Prakash Chandran: That was Dr. Billy Ahmed, a medical oncologist at Regional One Health Cancer Care. He specializes in the treatment of prostate, bladder, kidney, and lung cancer. You can learn more about the amazing oncology team at Regional One Health Cancer Care at
For appointments, you can call 901-515-HOPE. That's 901-515-4673.
Thanks for making one-on-one with Regional One Health, part of your journey to better health. Join us next time as we cover another topic to keep you on the path to a healthier tomorrow. My name's Prash Shrin. Thanks so much and stay well.