Off The Chart Engagement: Videos And Incentives Drive St. Luke’s Employee Ambassadors

Mary Beth Golab, Director of Marketing, Internal Communications at Viddler and Donna DeMarco, Co-Founder, Vice President at Viddler discuss their presentation at the SHSMD connections 2019 annual conference in Nashville.
Off The Chart Engagement: Videos And Incentives Drive St. Luke’s Employee Ambassadors
Featured Speakers:
Donna DeMarco | Mary Beth Golab
Mary Beth Golab, MBA, has worked across multiple marketing disciplines for global companies. Using her digital marketing and corporate communications skills, she has built and executed global thought leadership and campaign programs for brand building, employee engagement and demand generation. At St. Luke’s University Health Network, Mary Beth engages employees with content and communications innovation as well as program strategy and development.

Donna DeMarco is Co-Founder/ Vice President of Viddler, Inc. Viddler helps healthcare organizations build strong relationships with their employees and the communities they serve. Founded in 2005 as an interactive video platform, Viddler has changed the way healthcare organizations engage and communicate with their staff. Donna brings over 30 years of high level, project management and software engineering expertise in understanding clients’ requirements and exceeding their expectations.