We asked two of our SHSMD member all-stars who have made great contributions to both their field and to SHSMD, "How have you sparked change?"
Hear what they had to say about sparking change in their career, organization and membership communities and what their advice is for those entering the field.
Selected Podcast
Sparking Change: Health Care Strategy & Market Development Week 2022/ Flood 103

Featured Speakers:
Sarah Gebhart leads both system and regional market strategy for WellSpan Health. WellSpan Health is an integrated delivery system located in Southcentral PA serving six counties with eight hospitals, 340 ambulatory care and outpatient locations, over 1,000 employed physicians, a strong behavioral health service line and dedicated hospital and three home health services.
Sarah is a healthcare strategist, supporting the creation of long-term transformational and strategic work across a multitude of key industry topic areas. She has supported both service line and regional strategic planning at WellSpan Health for the past several years, including the development of a diversified growth portfolio for the organization.
Before joining WellSpan, Sarah completed her Masters in Healthcare Administration from Penn State University and her Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from York College of Pennsylvania.
Terri Flood, MHA | Sarah Gebhart
Terri Flood, MHA is Vice President of Business Development.Sarah Gebhart leads both system and regional market strategy for WellSpan Health. WellSpan Health is an integrated delivery system located in Southcentral PA serving six counties with eight hospitals, 340 ambulatory care and outpatient locations, over 1,000 employed physicians, a strong behavioral health service line and dedicated hospital and three home health services.
Sarah is a healthcare strategist, supporting the creation of long-term transformational and strategic work across a multitude of key industry topic areas. She has supported both service line and regional strategic planning at WellSpan Health for the past several years, including the development of a diversified growth portfolio for the organization.
Before joining WellSpan, Sarah completed her Masters in Healthcare Administration from Penn State University and her Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from York College of Pennsylvania.
Sparking Change: Health Care Strategy & Market Development Week 2022/ Flood 103
Bill Klaproth (host): This is a special SHSMD podcast. As we celebrate Sparking Change Healthcare Strategy and Market Development week 2022. As we talk with Terri Flood, vice president of business development at Wayne Healthcare and Sarah Gebhardt, director of strategy management at WellSpan Health and how they are sparking change. Terri, let's start with you and thank you so much for your time. It's always great to talk with you. So tell us, how have you sparked change in your career within your organization or as a member of your professional community or as a member of SHSMD?
Terri Flood: Well, Bill, that's a great question. When you think about sparking change and being in the marketing. And communications role. You're kind of the center of the storytellers. So, I believe that I've been able to do that by just showing up and being present and continue to tell the stories of the people in our organizations, as well as the patients. and the communities in which I serve.
Bill Klaproth (host): I love that telling the stories of the patients and the community you serve and also showing up and being present, giving, all of yourself. Right. Is that kind of what I'm taking from you?
Terri Flood: Yes. Just being yourself. And Throughout my time within SHSMD, we all start out as early career. As soon as we progress forward, we see others advancing in the profession. And so connecting with them and learning their stories, have helped me be able to spark change and be that bright light, in the profession.
Bill Klaproth (host): Yeah. So let's talk about that. I love how you said that. So let's talk about networking and how that has helped drive your career.
Terri Flood: Well, networking has been so valuable. I would say early on it's those leaders who I admired. Who I saw leading well, if I could name a few people like Rose Glen, who were at the top. That you would see I'm leading on this issue mid board, and just being involved and just being themselves and sharing others and lifting others up. So with knowing them and seeing them. Wanting to lead similar to those types of individuals in the organization. So I've had a chance to be able to do that. And now mentor others who are coming up in the field.
Bill Klaproth (host): Yeah, so. Looking at people, you admired people that lead well, you mentioned rose Glen. She's fantastic. We've talked to her. You can find her podcast. The one that we did in our library of podcasts here at SHSMD. And now you've kind of turned into a mentor role, you said, is that right Terri?
Terri Flood: Yes. Just being a mentor and a coach for others who were in the profession. as well as outside of the profession, whether it's leading from a community standpoint level, working with high school students, collegiate students, others in the organization. It's just helping them along their path as well. So that's been really exciting. So whether they're there in the marcomm world or business planning development, I've been able to kind of help lead and continue to network and connect others.
Bill Klaproth (host): Yeah. So let's talk about your mentorship role. Let me ask you this. What is your number one piece of advice for those recently entering your field?
Terri Flood: I would say Goals. Setting their goals and having someone to hold them accountable. Is very important. And then also finding someone who is on that path that maybe you desire to be on. And just connect with them. Start on a personal level, get to know them, ask them questions about their family. Build that personal rapport. And then as things go along, things just naturally flow typically. So I would say, just connect, ask the hard questions.
Because a lot of times they are dealing with things that you dealt with early in your career. So it's nice to kind of look back and see how you were able to overcome certain challenges. And then you're watching them kind of go through the same things, that maybe you went through once when you were coming up in the profession.
Bill Klaproth (host): Yeah. So setting goals very important, as you said, helping to hold people accountable to those goals. And then you said connect with them on a personal level, build that. Personal rapport. I mean, that kind of is really a roadmap to mentorship. Is that right?
Terri Flood: It absolutely is.
Bill Klaproth (host): Yeah. That makes a lot of sense. So you have been in this field a while now, you certainly have, achieved a lot. And as you said, now you're a leader in the industry, a mentor in the industry. What is your favorite thing about marketing communications in the healthcare space?
Terri Flood: I'm going to go back to what I said earlier and it's, the stories and the why, everybody has a why. And everybody has a story. So that's what I enjoy most about the profession. We get to be creative and it's fun. But it's really is it's about the people and it's about the stories and it's connecting others.
Bill Klaproth (host): Yeah, the stories and the why behind those people. Very, Very, important. So as we talk about sparking change and Terri, is there anything else you want to add? Any other ways you spark change or anything you want to instill on anyone listening to this podcast now? And how they can, spark change?
Terri Flood: I would just say that finding yourself is important. And re-evaluating who you are to continue to spark that change, how you show up. your attitude are you present all of those things matter. So we all have that spark in us. It's just, what is it that takes us to light that spark that fire that comes out within us. What is it that makes, that sets you apart from others?
Bill Klaproth (host): That's really good finding yourself. You said that's very important then re-evaluating who you are to continue to spark that change. And you also said, make sure you're showing up and. Make sure you're present pay attention to your attitude. So that's a good roadmap for really being able to spark change within our industry and within somebody personally, as well as they grow in their profession. Personally sparking change so they can be the best they can be too. So that's part of it, not only just for the industry, but for that person as a whole, is that right?
Terri Flood: That's correct.
Bill Klaproth (host): Well, Terri, this has been great. I always love talking with you. So thank you for spending a few minutes with us talking about sparking change within our industry. Thank you again.
Terri Flood: Thank you.
Bill Klaproth (host): And now we turn to Sarah Gebhardt. Sarah, thank you so much for your time. We really appreciate it. So, same question. How have you sparked change in your career within your organization as a member of your professional community or as a member of SHSMD?
Sarah Gebhart: Sure thing Bill. I think one of the things that I'm most proud of in my career so far is the team that I've had the chance to develop here at WellSpan. So as a team of healthcare strategists that are really advancing our organizational priorities. over, I think it's a great team. we really focus on collaboration and the continual desire to advance ourselves professionally. One of the examples that I have is, one of my team members is currently enrolled in the strategic planning in healthcare course. We really try and utilize those resources that we have available to us to really advance our skills, which allows us really focus on the work that we do here at WellSpan and dive into market analytics and providing meaningful guidance to the organization around strategic opportunities for change.
Bill Klaproth (host): Yeah, those resources are really important. Aren't they?
Sarah Gebhart: Yeah, they've been really great. We really try and utilize to the fullest extent, so that we can continue to hone our skills and learn.
Bill Klaproth (host): Absolutely. So how has networking helped to drive your career?
Sarah Gebhart: Networking has been really great for me. I've really appreciated my most recent attendance at the Schmid connections conference. here in the end of summer. great opportunity to speak to other professionals in the field and learn what they're doing and how they're addressing some of the similar problems that we face in our organizations as well.
Bill Klaproth (host): And being at a SHSMD Conference live, where you have this great amount of interaction with other healthcare marketers. Really does give you the opportunity to network, right?
Sarah Gebhart: Yes, absolutely. Like I said, we're all facing the same challenges. in our organizations and it's just a really great place to meet lots of people and get different perspectives and learn from one another. So I've really appreciated that.
Bill Klaproth (host): Yeah, no kidding. So what is your number one piece of advice for those recently entering your field.?
Sarah Gebhart: Yeah, it was a great question. And one that I always am reflecting on, but I think the biggest thing that I've learned in my career is really taking the time to listen and learn first before you really jumping into, suggestions or change. And I learned that early on in my career as a healthcare strategist and have come to learn, there's just a wealth of information that's available to you and to us in this type of career field. Whether that's market data that we have access to or future trends in healthcare or, white papers or other items that, different organizations can provide.
I think it's really great to take the time to really digest this information so that it can help you. To frame the opportunities that you have and the change that you're trying to create. So again, listening first and then also asking questions. So if you don't understand, ask the question. There's just really so much you can learn by sitting back and not feeling like you need to produce an answer right away.
Bill Klaproth (host): That's a great advice listening first, then making sure you're asking questions. So it sounds like you really enjoy working in this field. What is your favorite thing about your field?
Sarah Gebhart: Yeah, I absolutely do really enjoy this career path. And the thing that I most enjoy is the variety that I'm faced with, all the time. There's never ending opportunities to learn new things and really so much opportunity to study healthcare and the environment around you to really make those meaningful strategies for the organization. I guess I also really, Appreciate the opportunity to collaborate with my colleagues so that together we can establish the best path I mentioned earlier that one of my greatest things is the team I've developed and, how we collaborate with one another. And I really do appreciate that part of my job as well.
Bill Klaproth (host): Right. So variety, never ending opportunities. And then the collaboration aspect of all of this while I love how. You're talking about this and how you're sparking change in the industry. Sarah, is there anything else you'd like add?
Sarah Gebhart: I just want to say congratulations to all the strategy and market development professionals out there it's really exciting that we have this week dedicated to those in our profession and, hope we can all celebrate together.
Bill Klaproth (host): Very well said. Well, Sarah, thank you so much for your time. We appreciate it.
Sarah Gebhart: Yes, absolutely.
And once again, that is Sarah Gebhardt. And also thanks to Terri Flood. And we would like you to ignite your own spark, get involved in the community. Volunteer. Join the I had mentorship program and create change at your organization and within the community you serve to learn more about sparking change in healthcare, please visit SHSMD.Org. That's S H S M D.org. And of course, if you found this podcast helpful, please share it on all of your social channels and please hit the subscribe or follow button to get every episode. This has been a production of Dr. Podcasting I'm Bill Klaproth. Thanks for listening.
Sparking Change: Health Care Strategy & Market Development Week 2022/ Flood 103
Bill Klaproth (host): This is a special SHSMD podcast. As we celebrate Sparking Change Healthcare Strategy and Market Development week 2022. As we talk with Terri Flood, vice president of business development at Wayne Healthcare and Sarah Gebhardt, director of strategy management at WellSpan Health and how they are sparking change. Terri, let's start with you and thank you so much for your time. It's always great to talk with you. So tell us, how have you sparked change in your career within your organization or as a member of your professional community or as a member of SHSMD?
Terri Flood: Well, Bill, that's a great question. When you think about sparking change and being in the marketing. And communications role. You're kind of the center of the storytellers. So, I believe that I've been able to do that by just showing up and being present and continue to tell the stories of the people in our organizations, as well as the patients. and the communities in which I serve.
Bill Klaproth (host): I love that telling the stories of the patients and the community you serve and also showing up and being present, giving, all of yourself. Right. Is that kind of what I'm taking from you?
Terri Flood: Yes. Just being yourself. And Throughout my time within SHSMD, we all start out as early career. As soon as we progress forward, we see others advancing in the profession. And so connecting with them and learning their stories, have helped me be able to spark change and be that bright light, in the profession.
Bill Klaproth (host): Yeah. So let's talk about that. I love how you said that. So let's talk about networking and how that has helped drive your career.
Terri Flood: Well, networking has been so valuable. I would say early on it's those leaders who I admired. Who I saw leading well, if I could name a few people like Rose Glen, who were at the top. That you would see I'm leading on this issue mid board, and just being involved and just being themselves and sharing others and lifting others up. So with knowing them and seeing them. Wanting to lead similar to those types of individuals in the organization. So I've had a chance to be able to do that. And now mentor others who are coming up in the field.
Bill Klaproth (host): Yeah, so. Looking at people, you admired people that lead well, you mentioned rose Glen. She's fantastic. We've talked to her. You can find her podcast. The one that we did in our library of podcasts here at SHSMD. And now you've kind of turned into a mentor role, you said, is that right Terri?
Terri Flood: Yes. Just being a mentor and a coach for others who were in the profession. as well as outside of the profession, whether it's leading from a community standpoint level, working with high school students, collegiate students, others in the organization. It's just helping them along their path as well. So that's been really exciting. So whether they're there in the marcomm world or business planning development, I've been able to kind of help lead and continue to network and connect others.
Bill Klaproth (host): Yeah. So let's talk about your mentorship role. Let me ask you this. What is your number one piece of advice for those recently entering your field?
Terri Flood: I would say Goals. Setting their goals and having someone to hold them accountable. Is very important. And then also finding someone who is on that path that maybe you desire to be on. And just connect with them. Start on a personal level, get to know them, ask them questions about their family. Build that personal rapport. And then as things go along, things just naturally flow typically. So I would say, just connect, ask the hard questions.
Because a lot of times they are dealing with things that you dealt with early in your career. So it's nice to kind of look back and see how you were able to overcome certain challenges. And then you're watching them kind of go through the same things, that maybe you went through once when you were coming up in the profession.
Bill Klaproth (host): Yeah. So setting goals very important, as you said, helping to hold people accountable to those goals. And then you said connect with them on a personal level, build that. Personal rapport. I mean, that kind of is really a roadmap to mentorship. Is that right?
Terri Flood: It absolutely is.
Bill Klaproth (host): Yeah. That makes a lot of sense. So you have been in this field a while now, you certainly have, achieved a lot. And as you said, now you're a leader in the industry, a mentor in the industry. What is your favorite thing about marketing communications in the healthcare space?
Terri Flood: I'm going to go back to what I said earlier and it's, the stories and the why, everybody has a why. And everybody has a story. So that's what I enjoy most about the profession. We get to be creative and it's fun. But it's really is it's about the people and it's about the stories and it's connecting others.
Bill Klaproth (host): Yeah, the stories and the why behind those people. Very, Very, important. So as we talk about sparking change and Terri, is there anything else you want to add? Any other ways you spark change or anything you want to instill on anyone listening to this podcast now? And how they can, spark change?
Terri Flood: I would just say that finding yourself is important. And re-evaluating who you are to continue to spark that change, how you show up. your attitude are you present all of those things matter. So we all have that spark in us. It's just, what is it that takes us to light that spark that fire that comes out within us. What is it that makes, that sets you apart from others?
Bill Klaproth (host): That's really good finding yourself. You said that's very important then re-evaluating who you are to continue to spark that change. And you also said, make sure you're showing up and. Make sure you're present pay attention to your attitude. So that's a good roadmap for really being able to spark change within our industry and within somebody personally, as well as they grow in their profession. Personally sparking change so they can be the best they can be too. So that's part of it, not only just for the industry, but for that person as a whole, is that right?
Terri Flood: That's correct.
Bill Klaproth (host): Well, Terri, this has been great. I always love talking with you. So thank you for spending a few minutes with us talking about sparking change within our industry. Thank you again.
Terri Flood: Thank you.
Bill Klaproth (host): And now we turn to Sarah Gebhardt. Sarah, thank you so much for your time. We really appreciate it. So, same question. How have you sparked change in your career within your organization as a member of your professional community or as a member of SHSMD?
Sarah Gebhart: Sure thing Bill. I think one of the things that I'm most proud of in my career so far is the team that I've had the chance to develop here at WellSpan. So as a team of healthcare strategists that are really advancing our organizational priorities. over, I think it's a great team. we really focus on collaboration and the continual desire to advance ourselves professionally. One of the examples that I have is, one of my team members is currently enrolled in the strategic planning in healthcare course. We really try and utilize those resources that we have available to us to really advance our skills, which allows us really focus on the work that we do here at WellSpan and dive into market analytics and providing meaningful guidance to the organization around strategic opportunities for change.
Bill Klaproth (host): Yeah, those resources are really important. Aren't they?
Sarah Gebhart: Yeah, they've been really great. We really try and utilize to the fullest extent, so that we can continue to hone our skills and learn.
Bill Klaproth (host): Absolutely. So how has networking helped to drive your career?
Sarah Gebhart: Networking has been really great for me. I've really appreciated my most recent attendance at the Schmid connections conference. here in the end of summer. great opportunity to speak to other professionals in the field and learn what they're doing and how they're addressing some of the similar problems that we face in our organizations as well.
Bill Klaproth (host): And being at a SHSMD Conference live, where you have this great amount of interaction with other healthcare marketers. Really does give you the opportunity to network, right?
Sarah Gebhart: Yes, absolutely. Like I said, we're all facing the same challenges. in our organizations and it's just a really great place to meet lots of people and get different perspectives and learn from one another. So I've really appreciated that.
Bill Klaproth (host): Yeah, no kidding. So what is your number one piece of advice for those recently entering your field.?
Sarah Gebhart: Yeah, it was a great question. And one that I always am reflecting on, but I think the biggest thing that I've learned in my career is really taking the time to listen and learn first before you really jumping into, suggestions or change. And I learned that early on in my career as a healthcare strategist and have come to learn, there's just a wealth of information that's available to you and to us in this type of career field. Whether that's market data that we have access to or future trends in healthcare or, white papers or other items that, different organizations can provide.
I think it's really great to take the time to really digest this information so that it can help you. To frame the opportunities that you have and the change that you're trying to create. So again, listening first and then also asking questions. So if you don't understand, ask the question. There's just really so much you can learn by sitting back and not feeling like you need to produce an answer right away.
Bill Klaproth (host): That's a great advice listening first, then making sure you're asking questions. So it sounds like you really enjoy working in this field. What is your favorite thing about your field?
Sarah Gebhart: Yeah, I absolutely do really enjoy this career path. And the thing that I most enjoy is the variety that I'm faced with, all the time. There's never ending opportunities to learn new things and really so much opportunity to study healthcare and the environment around you to really make those meaningful strategies for the organization. I guess I also really, Appreciate the opportunity to collaborate with my colleagues so that together we can establish the best path I mentioned earlier that one of my greatest things is the team I've developed and, how we collaborate with one another. And I really do appreciate that part of my job as well.
Bill Klaproth (host): Right. So variety, never ending opportunities. And then the collaboration aspect of all of this while I love how. You're talking about this and how you're sparking change in the industry. Sarah, is there anything else you'd like add?
Sarah Gebhart: I just want to say congratulations to all the strategy and market development professionals out there it's really exciting that we have this week dedicated to those in our profession and, hope we can all celebrate together.
Bill Klaproth (host): Very well said. Well, Sarah, thank you so much for your time. We appreciate it.
Sarah Gebhart: Yes, absolutely.
And once again, that is Sarah Gebhardt. And also thanks to Terri Flood. And we would like you to ignite your own spark, get involved in the community. Volunteer. Join the I had mentorship program and create change at your organization and within the community you serve to learn more about sparking change in healthcare, please visit SHSMD.Org. That's S H S M D.org. And of course, if you found this podcast helpful, please share it on all of your social channels and please hit the subscribe or follow button to get every episode. This has been a production of Dr. Podcasting I'm Bill Klaproth. Thanks for listening.