Embrace Each Living Moment: Enjoy Life


Shaleen Brown: Thank you for joining me today for this podcast titled Embrace Each Living Moment. My name is Shaleen Brown and I want to talk to you today about embracing each moment and simply enjoying this life we have.

My story started about 10 years ago when I had a dear friend pass away from ovarian cancer. Her and her husband had been traveling for years. And I asked her one time, "Why not wait until you retire?" She told me his family medical history was such that she was afraid he wouldn't make retirement age; therefore, they were doing it now, not waiting. Little did she know at that time she'd be the one that wouldn't make it to retirement. After she passed, I was determined to not put off those things for retirement, such as travel and other adventures. That was a wake up call for me. We all have a certain amount of time and we should make the most of it.

Here are some of my tips on how I made it happen for me. Taking the time to do things you enjoy. Making a list of things you enjoy doing can be as simple as daily meditations or reading books for enjoyment. Now, set time on a weekly basis to do those activities. Self-care is important. You must take care of yourself first. What does self-care look like for you? For me, it's scheduling a massage about every six weeks. Practice being grateful every day. After I awaken every day, I make a list of three things I'm grateful for and the why. This helps me focus and start each day on a positive note. Don't sit around and wait for things to happen. Life is short. Set those goals and go after what you want in life. Be brave and take risks. Schedule those trips or do something you have always wanted to do. This will sound cliche, but honestly, just do it. I went skydiving this past October. Was I scared? Of course, I was. But it was also an amazing experience that I will do again.

In closing, search for those things in life that bring you great joy and make time for them to happen. This looks different for everyone. But honestly, strive to live your best life and, in turn, it will make you happier. Thank you so much for joining me. I appreciate you.