Benefits of the CARE Channel

Laura Werbner discusses the multiple benefits of the CARE Channel.


Laura Werbner: Hello, I'm Laura Werbner from your marketing and communications department, and I'm here to talk to you today about improving the patient experience through relaxation.

So, we often hear that we should take time for ourselves, stop what we're doing, make some space, relax, take a few deep breaths. It can be really hard to do when we're super busy, but it's definitely necessary and it's healing for our health and our wellbeing. And that's the same for our patients. As caregivers, it's important we do all we can to create a healing environment for our patients during their hospital stay.

One of the tools we have to help us with this is the CARE Channel. It brings a Continuous Ambient Relaxation Environment. Get it? C-A-R-E, right to the patient's bedside. Actually, if you turn on a TV in a patient room, it's programmed to default to the CARE Channel. If you're surfing the channels and looking around for something to watch and forgot what that channel is, you can go to channel 58 and find it.

But what exactly is the CARE Channel and how does it help our patients? Well, I'm going to share a little more about that. It's a great therapeutic tool, and I'm hoping that you'll really be able to take what I tell you today and share it with those who are entrusted in your care.

So, the CARE Channel is produced to comfort patients, families and caregivers. It's actually based on research that connects the use of music and nature to patient outcomes. It has a 24-hour format that includes unique daytime and nighttime imagery to support the circadian rhythm, enhance sleep and reduce the negative impact of hospital noise.

So, the images and music you see on the CARE Channel are all original. They're all produced by CARE artists, which is really something I think that's pretty cool. They have photographers and videographers who travel the world to bring amazing images to our patient's bedside. They're soothing landscapes and panoramas paired with original, instrumental music that has cross-generational and cross-cultural appeal. It's actually really thoughtfully produced.

I encourage you to check that out. It's on the CARE Channel's website, which is They talk about the science and the research behind what they do. They talk about the things that they don't do. You'll never see pictures or images of people in any of the CARE Channel imagery that you see. It's all about nature and relaxation. There's also some really great, amazing patient and staff stories there on that website and how the CARE Channel has helped patients and people who work in healthcare facilities really just benefit their lives and their own health. Again, that's

So in addition to checking out the website, I really recommend you sit down, view the programming for yourself if you've got a minute. It's designed to be watched by a patient in a bed, but it has many relaxing and stress-reducing benefits that we can all benefit from. As a therapeutic tool, the CARE Channel triggers inherent relaxation responses. It lowers stress levels, it reduces anxiety. I think those are things we all could use in our lives. Patients, it also enhances pain management protocols, and it also provides positive distractions. It can mitigate anxiety, loneliness and pain. It can improve the patient experience and reduce the need for pain and sleep medications.

To sum it up, the CARE Channel is a highly effective therapeutic tool that significantly contributes to improved satisfaction in patient outcomes and helps you create a healing environment for your patients and their families. It's also healing and stress relieving for you, and it's just one additional way we can help take care of our patients and take care of each other.

Thanks for listening. Now, go out and do some watching and check out the CARE Channel.