Selected Podcast

You Tube: Benefits in Health Information

Shaun Stanley discusses You Tube and the benefits of Health Information.


Shaun Stanley: Hello, I'm Shaun Stanley, the Social Media Coordinator for San Juan Regional Medical Center in the Marketing and Communications Department.

Did you know San Juan Regional Medical Center has a YouTube channel? Today, it's my honor to share what the numerous benefits of our hospital's YouTube channel brings to our community.

For over a decade, our YouTube channel has been a cornerstone of our commitment to serve and connect with our community. With over 400 subscribers, our channel has become a valuable resource, enriching the lives of many.

One of the primary advantages of our YouTube channel is the wealth of information it provides. Navigating the world of healthcare can be overwhelming. And people often seek reliable sources for medical guidance. Our channel addresses this need by offering a diverse array of content ranging from updates on new services and medical advancements to insightful interviews with our esteemed physicians. Through these videos, we aim to empower our community with the knowledge they need to make informed healthcare decisions.

In addition to medical information, our YouTube channel serves as a platform for employee recognition. Our dedicated and compassionate staff play a vital role in our hospital's success, and we take immense pride in highlighting their exceptional work. By showcasing employees accomplishments, such as the DAISY Awards, Milestones and Acts of Kindness, we celebrate the heart and soul of San Juan Regional Medical Center. This recognition not only boosts employee morale, but also instills a sense of trust and confidence in the care we provide.

Moreover, our YouTube channel provides a glimpse into our hospital's history and core values. We believe that understanding our roots and principles is crucial for building a strong connection and building trust with the community. This also reinforces our commitment to delivering compassionate and patient-centered healthcare.

Recently, we've embraced the power of YouTube Shorts, an exciting feature that allows us to present topics in under one minute. These Shorts provide bite-sized pieces of valuable information catering to those seeking quick and concise updates. This innovative approach has allowed us to engage with a wider audience, especially those with limited time to spare. By leveraging this format, we can efficiently reach more individuals and disseminate essential healthcare insights effectively.

As we continue to expand our YouTube presence, we encourage our employees and community members to visit and subscribe to our channel. Subscribing ensures you stay updated with our latest content, ranging from new services, interviews with physicians, employee recognition, our history, our values and much more. Additionally, by liking and clicking the notification bell, you'll receive timely alerts about our newest videos, ensuring you never miss any crucial healthcare information.

In conclusion, our hospital's YouTube channel has been an invaluable asset in our community outreach efforts. With over 400 subscribers and a decade of meaningful content, we've established a strong connection with our audience. By offering a wealth of information, showcasing our remarkable staff, sharing our history and values, and utilizing YouTube Shorts, we remain committed to serving our community with excellence.

I want to thank you for joining me on this Compass Podcast, and I encourage everyone to explore and please subscribe to our YouTube channel. Together, let's build a healthier and more informed community.