The Sense of Belongingness

Rainy Espinoza shares the importance of the sense of belongingness.

Rainy Espinoza, NA

Rainy Espinoza, NA is the Wellbeing and Engagement Manager.


 Rainy Espinoza: Hello, amazing San Juan Regional Medical Center caregivers! It is a beautiful day here at San Juan Regional and a great big shout out to all of you, our SJRMC caregivers, who give of yourselves so freely and so passionately. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to speak on belongingness today.

My name is Rainy Espinoza. I am your Wellbeing and Engagement Manager and would love to learn more about you. I appreciate your beautiful, caring devotion to yourself, your team, and the community we serve. You are appreciated beyond words and beyond measure. You wake up every morning or night and continue your journey in this sometimes complicated world with us and we are grateful for you. You choose to be here with us and to serve as a united team to make life better here in our house. You are so valued and so incredibly appreciated. I hope you know that, and I hope you feel that, I mean really feel that in the depth of your core. You belong right here with us in our little corner of the world, where together we bring life, improve life, and save lives.

It really does take a village. Nobody is replaceable. You are all uniquely incredible and needed on our team. Nobody else in this entire world can contribute what only you can. Your smile, your compassion, your expertise. You are one of a kind. I hope you go home every day knowing you alone, your smile alone, helped change somebody's life for the better.

In varying capacities, we all do this for ourselves and for one another. I am grateful to be a part of your team. Together, we will continue to make a difference. I challenge you. For the next 28 days to write down one thing you are grateful for, we all have so many blessings, great and small. Eyes, sight, hearing, touch, compassion, empathy, intuition, patience, love. Life's journey will ebb and flow with peaks and valleys. We can choose to love our life and capitalize on our gifts to be better servants to our team and the population we are privileged to serve. But more importantly, for self love and a sense of belonging, you belong here with us. As a vital member of our SJRMC team, you are amazing, valued, needed, wanted, and loved.

As your new Well Being and Engagement Manager, please know that I have an open-door policy. I encourage you to stop by, say hi, and tell me a little about yourself. My goal with you as an invaluable asset of our house is for you to know you belong here on our team. The sense of belonging is a psychological feeling of belonging or connectedness to a social, spatial, cultural, professional, or other type of group or community. We touch on all of those as caregivers of SJRMC.

In support of elevating a sense of belonging here, I aspire to create more team building challenges to promote departmental unity, fun, and joy. Thank you all for allowing me to make your journey here as a caregiver more enjoyable.

 I can be reached at extension 2170, please call me if you would like me to visit your department with tips or activities on improving morale, team building, and/or recognition. Again, I appreciate each of you. Thank you for being you, and thank you for joining me today. May your days be filled with light, love, and beauty. Thank you again.