Caregiver Wellness and Incentives

Sandra Grunwaldt discusses San Juan's caregiver wellness and incentives.


 Sandi Grunwaldt: Hello, I am Sandy Grunwaldt, your Wellbeing and Engagement Manager, and I am honored to spend a few minutes with you today to share some positive ways we want to encourage you to take good care of you while also saving a considerable amount of money on next year's medical insurance premium.

We are extremely fortunate to work for an organization that understands how vital it is for all of us to take care of ourselves so we can continue to take good care of others. Your health and well-being are of utmost importance to the people you serve and the people you love. The health and wellness decisions you make today will affect the person you want to be tomorrow. That's one of the many reasons why we are inviting and encouraging all of you to choose Better For You and receive $60 per month as a medical premium insurance incentive in 2025. That's $720 in savings when you complete two very simple, Better For You steps between now and September 30th, 2024.

The first step we encourage you to do is to have your free lab work taken care of. It is available for everyone whose last names begin with A through L June 1st through July 31st. And then, for those with last names beginning M through Z can take advantage of the free labs August 1st through September 30th. We actually have some generous prizes. We're giving away the first week of June and then the first week of August to encourage people to not procrastinate, get them done. It also helps our resources in their laboratory. We have some river trip gifts for those who complete their labs and are randomly selected that first week of June and first week of August. The lab form can be found on the intranet on the front page. There's a link, and you can check your lab results on our San Juan Regional Medical Center patient portal one week after your labs have been drawn. And that link is also found on our intranet.

If you have any questions or concerns about your lab results, we encourage you to contact your primary care provider to review those results with you, to find out what they mean, to help you make changes or improvements, or even just to answer questions about all of your results and see how things are trending over time. If you currently do not have a primary care provider, we urge you to find one on our website, and that is also found on intranet. There's a great link for all of those resources for you. So, that is the first step.

If you are a remote employee or if you have a provider thst you prefer to have your labs drawn with as opposed to the free labs on site, you are able to do that. Also, we just ask that you email those to Rainy Espinoza that's also on the intranet. We just need your date of birth, your name, and the date you completed your labs. No results, please. And we will also record that so you can get the completion recorded for your discount on your insurance next year.

The second step that you need to do to take care of before September 30th of 2024 so you can receive this generous incentive and also help you take better care of yourself is simply go into the WellWorks portal and look for Get Started for your BMI and you look at your height and weight and the number that corresponds and enter that number. It takes about one minute, super fast. It's really just good awareness to see where you are on the chart and to maybe have that discussion with your provider about how you can make improvements if needed.

And then, it's also very exciting to share that while it's not required to receive your premium, we are going to be offering several wellness activities every single month going forward that you can take part of. Examples include our Summer Family Festival. Social interaction is a huge health benefit. We'll have Happy Healthy Hours beginning this fall, some walks at Berg Park, some Lunch and Learns with our EAP and more. So, we urge you to check our daily safety huddles, look at the intranet for dates and details for ongoing wellness support that helps you to choose better for you.

We thank you for your dedication and service to our patients, community, and each other. You do so much, so we hope you take advantage of these generous opportunities to take good care of you.