Selected Podcast

Opportunities for a Better YOU


 Marissa Clausing: Hello there! My name is Marissa Clausing, and I am your Senior Wellness Coordinator at Wellworks for You. We coordinate the Wellness Program for San Juan Regional Medical Center and this is our fourth year partnering with you all, and we're very excited to continue this partnership. And today, I'm here to talk to you about some of our current offerings with the wellness program, some of the required components, and then some of the additional challenges and learning opportunities you have with Wellworks for You with San Juan Regional Medical Center.

So, we're going to go ahead and get started with the required components. And when I say required, these are the two components that if you complete them, you can earn a $60 a month wellness credit beginning in January 2025 for those who are enrolled in the medical benefits. So, those two steps that both need to be completed by September 30th of 2024 are, step number one, complete your caregiver lab work. This is free for you to do. And once you complete your caregiver lab work, San Juan Regional Medical Center will send over your participation to WellWorks, and then we will get that uploaded into our system. I would say the expectation to see that on your end would be probably about one to two weeks. Sometimes it takes a little bit longer for new hires just because we have to make sure that you've gotten into our system, and then we can recheck to see when you're there with your lab work. If you have any questions about participation, feel free, you can reach out to me or your HR team at San Juan and they can reach back out to me as well.

Step number two, complete your BMI. And so, this is really just a simple calculation of your height and weight. We have a chart right inside our portal for Wellworks for You so you can scroll over and see where you fall in the chart or if you want to use an online calculator to calculate your BMI, you're welcome to do that. But you simply just enter in your BMI and confirm your participation there and then your step two is done.

So again, step one is the caregiver lab work. Step two is the BMI. And September 30th is the deadline. And if you complete those two things, you're going to $60 a month wellness credit beginning in January 2025. So, that is your "required portion" of the wellness program, but there is so much more, both from our end at Wellworks for You, and of course I know San Juan Regional Medical Center does a great job of promoting wellness on their end as well. So, definitely, you know, keep a lookout for the internal events too.

But as far as WellWorks goes, we are currently in our Slim for Summer Challenge. This is the third wellness challenge of the year, and this does go from July and August. So, we are still working on that challenge for now. And then, we also currently have a video up, Feeling is Healing, and it's just a 28-minute video for you to watch just on your own time, and it really addresses that sometimes feeling isn't easy. Sometimes we're brought up or we're taught to suppress our feelings or we're not taught how to feel. So, this video will just help you to learn to feel those sensations, and let them arise without judgment. So, that's what we currently have going here.

And I should mention that for the Wellness Challenge. So again, we're in our third one. We do have a fourth one coming up in October, November, which I'll touch on in a moment, but for any of the wellness challenges and for the e-learning series. So, these are your 10-week series or six-week series, those types of things. For any of those challenges or e-learning series, San Juan Regional Medical Center will choose raffle winners for each of those events. So, the challenges, the e-learning series, I send over participation, completion. And if you have completed a challenge or an e-learning series, they do a raffle. And so, they always find some fun prize to give away for whether it be five people, 20 people, it just kind of depends on the challenge. And what they're giving away that time, but there is extra incentive for you to participate in these events other than just for your own well-being and fun.

So, coming up in August, we have an e-learning series called Techniques for Resiliency and Coping Mechanisms. So, this series will provide mental well-being tips to help you bounce back after hard times. This is 10 weeks. And when I say that, I want to make sure that you understand that these segments each week are anywhere from 4 minutes to 17 minutes. I would say kind of the average is somewhere around 10 minutes with just a couple short ones and then a couple that are a little longer, 13, 17 minutes. So, we're not taking up too much of your time each week. The total for 10 weeks is an hour and 34 minutes. And again, this would qualify to get entered in for a raffle there.

And then, September, we have another one, Your Guide to Mindfully Managing Stress, and this is a stress management e-learning series. And the total run time on this one, only 39 minutes, and this one is six weeks, so a little shorter total time, shorter amount of weeks, and all of these videos for you will be less than 10 minutes. So again, very low amount of investment per week to complete these e-learning series. Mid-September, we're going to have another video, so just like we have one up right now about Feeling is Healing mid September, we're going to have one, Ending the Stigma Around Mental Health. So, you can kind of see a theme here. And I know your EAP is also working on similar topics as well. So, we're hoping that this will all relate together to help improve mental well-being here. So, this one is Ending the Stigma Around Mental Health. And the description says that according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, one in five adults experience a mental health condition every year, and one in 17 people live with a serious mental illness such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. So, this video, only 20 minutes, is going to help us understand and really break down that stigma, and that it's okay to not be okay all the time, right? And so, we need to recognize mental health and learn more about it and the conditions that are associated with it in order for us and those around us to get the proper help that we need. So, that's a video. The video in September and the one that is currently up right now, those are really just for your own well-being. There is no raffle associated, but we still definitely highly encourage you to listen to those, watch those, when you have a free moment there.

Then, our next challenge, we have October 1st through November 30th, that's Self-Care Sundays, and that's just going to have you take some time on your Sundays to do something for your physical or mental well-being. You'll see promotions about that coming up. And you'll be able to sign up in the Wellworks for You portal. And again, that will be eligible for a raffle, and that'll be an eight-week challenge.

Then, in November, we've got our next e-learning series, and this is a mini one, so it's just a total time of 6 minutes and 31 seconds, and it'll help you develop techniques to manage stress here. And the welcome video really, it's less than 20 seconds and then you just have two modules in there, How Chronic Stress Impacts the Body, and then Meal Planning and Preparation. So, that's just a little mini-series, just something to kind of keep you engaged there.

And then, finally in December, we have creating an action plan to get moving. So, this series is a total of just over an hour and a half. And this is whether you're looking to enhance your physical fitness or you've been needing a push to get more active, this series will prepare you with the tools you need to create an action plan to get moving. So, this includes topics of the components of physical fitness, benefits of physical activity, choosing the correct equipment, the FITT principle, F-I-T-T. So, you may have heard of that one. Setting SMART goals and organizations and emerging trends. So, each of these modules, they kind of vary in length. We have anywhere from seven minutes to one long one, which is 26 minutes. So, all of that will be included in the promotional material. This will be part of the opportunity to get entered into a winner fund prize and a raffle.

So, that's really all that we have coming up here with WellWorks and San Juan Regional Medical Center. So, as you can see, we've got lots of activities, challenges, e-learning, and extra videos in there. And again, I know San Juan Regional Medical Center has their own internal wellness program. So, please take advantage of both what they're offering internally and what we are offering to you as well. And if you have any questions, you can feel free to reach out to me. You can use your Wellworks for You app and use the chat function, the email function, and reach out to our team and we will definitely get back to you with any questions you have about any required components, any optional components as well.

Thank you so much for having me today. And again, feel free to reach out with any questions.