Thursday, 24 September 2015 11:06

Are E-Cigarettes a Safe Alternative?

Why is the American Lung Association concerned with e-cigarettes?
Published in Health Radio
What are some ways to help teach your teen about these harmful risks?
Published in Health Radio
Friday, 20 February 2015 10:00

Do e-Cigs Pose a Greater Cancer Risk?

Even though there's no tobacco inhaled through an e-Cig, are the other chemicals damaging your health?
Wednesday, 18 February 2015 12:11

What You Need to Know About E-Cigarettes & Vaping

One electronic cigarette can have as much nicotine as a whole pack of cigarettes.
Published in Healthy Children
Colorful bottles and sweet flavors make the packaging of liquid nicotine refills very attractive to your child.
Published in Healthy Children
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