Sylvia Anderson

Sylvia Anderson

Originally from Minnesota, Sylvia moved to California for the sun, sand and warm temperatures. She graduated from the University of Minnesota with a degree in English and Communications, both of which she has put to good use in her work with RadioMD as Senior Editor.

What Is a Tongue-Tie?

Friday, 22 January 2016
If your baby is having trouble breastfeeding, it might be due to a medical condition called a tongue-tie.

Biggest Mistakes in Weight Loss

Friday, 22 January 2016
You may have tried diets where meal plans are structured down to the calorie. Why don't they work?

Living the Slim Life

Friday, 22 January 2016
Why is your mindset so important for successful weight loss?
Most (if not all) conventional deodorants and antiperspirants contain harmful chemicals and other toxic ingredients.

Getting Clear through Energy Work

Wednesday, 20 January 2016
What does "getting clear" really mean?

Make this January Veganuary

Wednesday, 20 January 2016
Could you go vegan for one month?
How can you make the most out of the coming year?
Which smartphone apps will give you the best results?
Join Dr. Roizen and his expert guests for the latest health news, wellness advice and most up-to-date research from around the world.

News of the week, toxic dangers, and helpful health tips. You don't want to miss this!

How to Overcome Shock & Trauma

Saturday, 16 January 2016
Everyone goes through shock at some point in their lives, but how do you overcome it?

Sharing Care: The Pease Brothers

Tuesday, 19 January 2016
In this Sharing Care feature, Brent and Kyle Pease share their amazing athletic accomplishments, despite having to overcome the obstacle of Kyle’s cerebral palsy.

Resolutions that Stick Around: Diet

Tuesday, 19 January 2016
The number-one New Year’s resolution in 2015 was to "stay fit and healthy,” but more than 75% did not end up following a weight loss program.
Most people know that proper nutrition is important, but did you know that proper nutrition is about more than just counting calories?
Introducing the concept of nutrition into an addiction treatment program is not an easy task.

?What Is Integrative Treatment?

Friday, 15 January 2016
David Wiss shares why nutrition-inclusive plans are the future of addiction treatment.

?The Keys to Financial Mindfulness

Friday, 15 January 2016
Finances are tricky for everyone, and addicts or those in recovery may face additional challenges when it comes to managing money.
?Basic financial literacy is one of the most essential skills you can have in life.
The very concept of "change" can subconsciously indicate you're doing something wrong. Instead, Ashley Koff, RD, suggests focusing on exchanges.
Up to 60 percent of women are not getting enough magnesium on a daily basis.

How to Achieve Your Best Body

Wednesday, 13 January 2016
Whether you've fallen off the wagon or are starting to exercise for the first time, what is the best way to reach your fitness goals?
Why do some people have such sensitive skin?

Carol Alt: The Problem with Coffee

Wednesday, 13 January 2016
Whether you use coffee as a kick-start to your day or you drink it simply because you love the taste, there are certain health detriments you'll want to consider.
Cancer Wellness TV provides options for a powerful complement to traditional cancer therapies.

News of the week, toxic dangers, and helpful health tips. You don't want to miss this!

Join Dr. Roizen and his expert guests for the latest health news, wellness advice and most up-to-date research from around the world.
Yoga guru and traveler extraordinaire Tara Stiles explains her regimen for staying healthy and at the top of her game while on the road.
All January, Sharecare Radio is bringing you a special series on “Resolutions that Stick” to make your goals last all year and beyond.
In this regular monthly segment, RealAge Test co-creator Dr. Mike Roizen debunks the latest and greatest health “myths.”
Each week, host Dr. Susanne Bennett shares her Nature's Secrets to a healthier body. This week, she discusses: The Healing Properties of CBD Hemp Oil.

Top Tips for Women Age 40 & Beyond

Friday, 08 January 2016
Of great concern if you're entering menopause is your heart, bone, sexual and cognitive health.
As you think about your resolutions for the new year, don't forget to consider the very specific elements of your own health... especially if you're a woman.
Do you know how big of an impact your diet has on longevity?

?The Hustle, Believe, Receive Method

Thursday, 07 January 2016
Sarah Centrella shares her eight-step Hustle, Believe, Receive method.
No one understands the phrase, “when life hands you lemons, make lemonade” better than guest Sarah Centralla.
?To be truly healthy, you have to consider your wellness from a holistic perspective.
Changing your lifestyle and making positive choices gives you the potential to change the course of your life.

What is Epigenetics?

Friday, 08 January 2016
Epigenetics is a fascinating study of how environmental factors affect genes and how certain lifestyle changes can help you turn genes on or off.

What the Body Needs to Heal Itself

Wednesday, 06 January 2016
Can your body truly heal itself, even from serious diseases like MS?

Resolutions vs. Lifestyle Choices

Wednesday, 06 January 2016
Instead of resolutions this year, perhaps you can take a hard look at some of your lifestyle choices.

Finding Joy in Every Moment

Wednesday, 06 January 2016
Whether you're making dinner, commuting, or brushing your teeth, every moment of your life offers an opportunity to uncover happiness.
What does a "perfect life" look like to you?

A Second Opinion

Tuesday, 05 January 2016
Dr. Darria and CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta cover the top health news of the month.
Conflict and compromise is a natural part of relationships. But, how can you create a situation where everyone comes out ahead?
Allan Tilloston returns to discuss the benefits of using herbal medicine for chronic arthritis.
Dr. Robert Abel shares his experiences with extraordinary eye surgeons from around the world.
The Wizard of Eyes shares answers to his most frequently asked questions.

How Not to Die

Friday, 08 January 2016
“Our diet is the #1 cause of premature death and disability.” -Michael Greger, MD

Vocabulary of Vision

Monday, 04 January 2016
Listen in to improve your vocabulary with these insightful words.
Join Dr. Roizen and his expert guests for the latest health news, wellness advice and most up-to-date research from around the world.

News of the week, toxic dangers, and helpful health tips. You don't want to miss this!

Dave Andrews shares his revolutionary program to help you cut back or quit drinking entirely in the privacy of your own home.
Allan Tilloston returns to discuss the benefits of using herbal medicine to reduce intraocular inflammation.
The Wizard of Eyes host, Dr. Abel, shares answers to his most frequently asked questions.
Learn about an exciting treatment for your dry eyes and blepharitis.
Learn what causes your red eyes and how to address it.
Learn about the causes of intraocular inflammation and how to treat it.
Dr. Ryan Stanton shares how to avoid holiday mishaps, what to do if you experience one, and when you really need to head to the ER.
The Blue Zones Project helps people implement strategies to increase their longevity.

Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Monday, 21 December 2015
Learn how to prevent and treat macular degeneration.

Living with a SEAL

Tuesday, 22 December 2015
In his new book, Living with a SEAL, Jesse Itzler invited Navy SEAL David Goggins to live in his home and train him for a month.
The Wizard of Eyes shares answers to his most frequently asked questions and shares new information.

Diabetes & the Obesity Epidemic

Monday, 21 December 2015
Learn about the strong connection between obesity and diabetes.
What do vision and balance have in common?
The genetic traits that once helped us live longer are now at the root of illness and death.

News of the week, toxic dangers, and helpful health tips. You don't want to miss this!

Join Dr. Roizen and his expert guests for the latest health news, wellness advice and most up-to-date research from around the world.
Each week, host Dr. Susanne Bennett shares her Nature's Secrets to a healthier body. This week, she discusses: Power of L-Carnitine.

Link Between Blue Light & Insomnia

Friday, 18 December 2015
Light is one of the biggest problems for people in terms of getting proper sleep.
If you don't get enough quality sleep, your health is going to suffer.
In order to truly ease your symptoms, you need to get to the bottom of the root cause.
There is much confusion as to what constitutes a true food allergy.
2015 has been an eventful year for the transgender community.
The transgender community is at a higher risk for addiction because of feelings of isolation and misunderstanding.
Beck Gee-Cohen has had a truly inspiring and courageous journey on the way to living an authentic life.

Happy Mouths, Happy Lives

Friday, 18 December 2015
Your mouth plays a vital role in your physical, mental, and emotional health.

How Addiction Affects Your Mouth

Friday, 18 December 2015
Addiction, eating disorders, smoking, and other bad habits can affect your mouth in extremely negative ways.
There are so many hidden toxins that you bring into your home during the holidays, from artificial trees to synthetic fragrances.
While some individuals can follow through with New Year's resolutions, research shows that certain people are more susceptible to failure.
Since you can't dis-invite a difficult relative or employee to your holiday party, what can you do?

What Is the Tao of Happiness?

Wednesday, 16 December 2015
Taoist philosopher Chuang Tzu claimed that those who wander are not only on the right path, they are also often the happiest.

Top 10 Tips for Healthy Holiday Eating

Wednesday, 16 December 2015
How can you make sure you stay on track this holiday season?
Keoni Hudoba, creator of the Cyc Method cycling exercise routine, describes what his program entails and how he developed it.
Adam Bornstein, founder of Born Fitness, joins Dr. Darria to share how to build a personalized workout plan.
The “Diabetes Dominator” explains how to build an online support community for a health condition and shares the positives and negatives of doing so.
Allan Tilloston returns to discuss the benefits of herbal medicine.

Using Stem Cells to Treat Blindness

Monday, 14 December 2015
Exciting news about using stem cells to treat blindness.
The Wizard of Eyes shares answers to his most frequently asked questions.

Pro Tips for Contact Lens Wearers

Monday, 14 December 2015
Learn tips and tricks to find the right contact lens for you.
Join Dr. Roizen and his expert guests for the latest health news, wellness advice and most up-to-date research from around the world.

News of the week, toxic dangers, and helpful health tips. You don't want to miss this!

Happiness & The Power of Giving

Saturday, 12 December 2015
During the any season, the idea of giving drives many people to help in selfless ways.
?Did you know that people download more than 10 million mobile apps every day?
People are struggling with more than just alcohol and drug addictions; from shopping and gambling addictions, to an over-dependence on technology.

?A New Vision for Recovery

Friday, 11 December 2015
?The field of addiction treatment has evolved dramatically over the years. Learn about new recovery options and treatments.

What is Sound Therapy?

Friday, 11 December 2015
An alternative way of de-stressing is to learn how to heal yourself through sound.
You have the power to heal yourself if you can find new ways to connect with more positive energy.
Inflammatory bowel diseases can be extremely debilitating and even deadly if not well controlled.

Top 3 Tips to Stay Healthy NOW

Wednesday, 09 December 2015
Registered Dietitian, Ashley Koff, shares three simple things that can keep you healthy and happy during the holiday season (as well as all year round).
The brain has its own "eye." You may think you see with your eyes, but you actually see with your brain.
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