To many, summer and warmer weather means one thing: outdoor activities... and thus, skimpier clothing.
This brings body image directly to the forefront of people's minds.
Lisa Tsakos, who lost 50 lbs and has managed to keep it off for 15 years, joins Andrea and Lisa with some sound advice to help you drop unwanted pounds and gain confidence in yourself.
Wednesday, 19 June 2013 11:11
Weight Loss: Fast & Safe Tricks for Shedding Pounds
Nervous to slip into your swimsuit? Learn how you can lose some of those unwanted pounds in time to enjoy the outdoors this summer.
Additional Info
- Segment Number: 2
- Audio File: naturally_savvy/1325ns3b.mp3
- Featured Speaker: Lisa Tsakos, RHN
- Organization: Nu-Vitality Health & Wellness
- Book Title: Unjunk Your Junk Food: Healthy Alternatives to Conventional Snacks.
- Guest Website: Naturally Savvy
Guest Bio:
Lisa Tsakos, RHN, is a nationally-recognized holistic nutritionist and educator specializing in weight management and corporate nutrition programs.
She has taught nutrition at various schools and colleges and has appeared on television and radio shows across Canada and the U.S. including Wylde on Health, The Better Show (U.S.), and the Discovery Channel. She contributes to various websites, including and the Huffington Post Canada (blog) and has authored two books before co-writing Unjunk Your Junk Food: Healthy Alternatives to Conventional Snacks.
- Length (mins): 10
- Waiver Received: Yes
- Host: Andrea Donsky, RHN and Lisa Davis, MPH
Published in
Naturally Savvy
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