More than half of women experience sickness during pregnancy, making it a very common pregnancy-induced condition. The good news is that anti-sickness medication can be taken for this. 

However, there are a lot of medications that should be avoided during pregnancy, which can present a problem when there are so many illnesses that can occur throughout the nine months, as well as plenty of women having preexisting conditions that they’re already on medication for. 

Knowing what to avoid is important for both mother and baby’s health, but it’s also necessary to not suffer in silence and find safe, alternative medications for a happy, healthy pregnancy.

In the U.S., 26 percent of seniors receive a mixture of paid care and family care, and nine percent rely solely on paid help, such as nurses who come to their homes. 

While the elderly aren’t the only people who need to get used to new nurses, they often require nursing services in order to age in place. No matter the age of the patient, it’s important for that person to feel comfortable with a new nurse.

How Art Therapy Helps Quell Anxiety

Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., with around 40 million Americans (or 18% of the adult population) battling them. 

According to a recent poll undertaken by the American Psychiatric Association, this percentage is continually growing, with some of the biggest sources of anxiety being safety, health, and finances. 

If you are facing anxiety or panic attacks and you feel helpless, the good news is that there are so many ways in which you can attempt to limit or eliminate this problem, including controlled breathing, yoga, meditation, and, if you are creatively inclined, art therapy.

Anxiety is a pervasive illness: studies show that spending time with people who are stressed or nervous can trigger our own anxiety through proximation

For Americans, the prospect of “spreading” anxiety may help explain why generalized anxiety is the most common form of mental illness in the country, affecting about 18.1 percent of the adult population. 

If someone you love struggles with anxiety, it’s important to set boundaries and understand the symptoms, origins, and triggers of their mental illness, so that you are better equipped to manage your own mental health during times of high stress.

An estimated 3.8 million people die prematurely each year due to illnesses related to household air pollution. Three billion people cook using open fires or stoves that use fuels like coal and wood to produce heat, which pollute the air. But, many other everyday household items also contribute to poor air quality, such as cleaning products, air fresheners and paints. 

All of this is detrimental to one’s health, both short-term and long-term. In fact, environmental factors have been found to have a greater impact on the immune system than a person’s genetics.

Choose eco-friendly products to have a greener home that will benefit both your health and the planet.

Between 12 and 22 percent of adult women have acne, despite the common perception it’s a teenage affliction. 

However, adult acne often differs from adolescent acne, because it’s typically hormonal in nature rather than a result of clogged pores or overproduction of sebum, the oil the skin creates. 

There are a wide variety of adult acne cures on the market, from antibiotics and contraception to radiofrequency laser treatments. While all these products can help acne, there are fixes that are easier and more natural that you can try first.

Intermittent fasting is one of the latest weight-loss plans to hit the Internet, promising fast results without the rigor of more strict diets. 

With intermittent fasting, you are encouraged to eat normally most of the time while severely restricting calories once or twice per week. Some plans include a splurge day, allowing participants to eat their favorite high-calorie foods guilt-free. 

While around half of participants drop out of popular weight loss programs, intermittent fasting has only a 38% dropout rate. This eating pattern is thought not only to encourage you to take in fewer calories than you burn but also to slow the metabolism and decrease appetite. 

However, intermittent fasting isn't without its pitfalls. Here are the pros and cons of cutting back on calories a couple of times a week.

Less than a decade ago, the standard treatments for acne included salicylic acid, retinols and, in severe cases, antibiotics –- medications which are not without side effects and which had consumers yearning for a safer, more effective approach. 

One treatment that is producing what beauty writers are calling ‘insanely good results’ is fractora: a fractional radio-frequency microneedle device that first burst onto the scene in 2011. 

Beauty writer, Megan McIntyre, notes, “I have been fighting moderate acne since my late teens. And I have tried literally every single one of those treatments with not one of them providing a lasting result.” Her testimony is just one of many independent reviews of a treatment that takes a ‘shortcut’ to clear, smooth skin.

Fitness experts have predicted that this year will see more people doing high-intensity interval training (HIIT) as more Americans are finding ways to get fit and healthy. 

But, for seniors, trying to do HIIT exercises can be a challenge as it involves bursts of high-intensity exercise, and the risks of sustaining an injury are greater with this type of workout. 

Moreover, overly intense forms of exercise may trigger an older adult's pre-existing medical conditions, such as arthritis, which is the leading cause of disability in the U.S. 

Though HIIT and other forms of rigorous exercise—long runs, stair climbs, and deadlifts—can potentially cause injury to older adults, there’s no reason why seniors should avoid working out altogether. According to the CDC, older adults need at least 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity every week, and there are lots of ways to get fit without straining one’s joints or muscles or triggering arthritis symptoms. 

Here are a few gentle yet effective fitness routines to keep seniors active and happy.

Eighty-seven percent of adults over 65 would prefer to stay at home as they age, aaccording to AARP. 

Modern technologies and improving assistance programs are helping older adults to "age in place" instead of transferring to an assisted living facility. 

Adults who stay at home into their golden years not only tend to be more content, but also maintain their cognitive health longer.

There are several ways that aging in place can help to improve a senior’s mental well-being and lead to a happier and healthier life.

If you sometimes cringe at photos of yourself, or wish you could fit into those bargain smaller size jeans you bought in optimism, you’re not alone. 

The CDC reports that over a third of Americans are obese. In a real-world scenario, among the workplace, parks and grocery stores, over a third of the people you see are likely to be heavier than ideal. 

However, picture-perfect Facebook and Instagram accounts remind us every day of sun-kissed lean bodies. Somehow that has become the new normal. 

It’s incredibly difficult to see through other people’s carefully filtered posts and view our own bodies clearly and kindly. And yet, it’s so important that we do, because -- believe it or not -- stress can actually sabotage weight loss.

What’s Wrong With Aging?

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

No one looks forward to old age, but are the problems we dread inevitable? Why do they happen? And can we do anything to avoid them? 

A widely-held theory is that our cells are under constant attack from harmful molecules. Some are a byproduct of normal metabolism such as free radicals, while others arise from our environment. These damage the DNA, fats and proteins in our cells, which over time become less able to repair themselves.

Other research suggests internal processes cause our cells to age. This may be part of the same process that triggers our development from children to adults. Our cells constantly multiply to replace damaged cells, but they can only reproduce a certain number of times. At each reproduction, the telomeres at the ends of our chromosomes get shorter, which is also a marker for aging.

But, why do some people age “better” than others?

Do you feel a burning sensation in your chest after drinking coffee? 

You are not alone. 

What you are feeling is acid reflux, which many people experience. It might not be due to just coffee; spicy foods and alcohol can also cause this feeling. Some individuals only experience it now and again, whereas others experience it quite frequently and it can affect them during the day or night.

Unfortunately, even just the occasional cup of coffee can cause reflux, because of the acid in the caffeine. The organic acid in coffee beans is what gives it that tangy “hit” that coffee drinkers enjoy so much. Some people’s digestive systems cannot cope with these natural acids and can be left with a burning sensation, accompanied by belching and unpleasant acidic liquid that comes up from the stomach, through the esophagus, and into the back of the throat.