Have you been diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)? If so, then you are well aware of how complex the disorder is. 

It’s estimated that somewhere around 18 percent of women receive this diagnosis. 

The formation of small ovarian cysts cause a plethora of health problems--from infertility and pelvic pain to missing or extremely heavy menstrual cycles.

In some cases, there is nothing that can be done to prevent PCOS. That's because one reason women are affected is simply because of genetics. One study showed that 24 percent of women with PCOS also had a mother with the condition. The same study showed that 32 percent had a sister that was diagnosed with PCOS. There are other reasons PCOS occurs, including a hormonal imbalance or improper diet. 

The good news is, there are a variety of treatment options out there.