Wednesday, 12 February 2014 11:00

One Woman's Mission to EmpowHER

Michelle King Robson, shares her inspiring story and urges you to become your own health advocate.
Have you ever found yourself looking for health information and feeling lost, confused and alone?

You are not alone.

In this segment, you'll learn the inspiring story of founder and CEO of, Michelle King Robson.

As Michelle likes to put it, "she got sick, she got well, she got mad and then she started a company!"

After a complete hysterectomy, Michelle became very ill due to the side effects of hormonal changes of removing her ovaries. This led to a full year of her being bed-ridden.

Michelle's exhaustive searches online led to constant dead ends when it came to viable health information for women. After a windfall of over-medication and unnecessary medications, Michelle became depressed and even considered taking her own life.

And then came a positive change that turned everything around.

Michelle was sent a book titled Screaming to be Heard by Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet. It became clear to her that she needed to become her own health advocate.

Ultimately, her research led her to start her own company, a resource for women to advocate their own health and support one another... a resource that Michelle dearly wishes was available when she was ill.

Michelle joins Andrea and Lisa to share her full story and discuss hysterectomies, hormone replacement therapy and becoming your own health advocate.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 1
  • Audio File: naturally_savvy/1407ns3a.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Michelle King Robson, founder of
  • Guest Facebook Account:
  • Guest Twitter Account: @EmpowHER
  • Guest Bio: Michelle King Robson, Founder and CEO of and MKR Media LLC, is a nationally recognized women's health and wellness advocate. She has combined a successful track record as a businesswoman and entrepreneur with nearly two decades of civic and community leadership, focusing on her personal passion for improving women's health to lead what is today one of the fastest-growing social health companies in the world.

    A tireless voice for women and the visionary behind EmpowHER, Michelle spends her time talking to women's groups, health care organizations, political leaders, regulatory bodies and the media about women's health and wellness issues and the importance of women advocating for themselves and their loved ones. Michelle's goal is to drive innovation and change in patient experience, health care delivery, and development and approval of health-improving, life-changing medicine, treatments and procedures for women around the world. She is also co-host of the very popular HER Radio show for women right here on RadioMD.
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: Yes
  • Host: Andrea Donsky, RHN and Lisa Davis, MPH