Power of Positive Body Image

Our body image directly affects the way we move through the world, but it’s not always easy to embrace our own bodies and stay positive.
Our body image directly affects the way we move through the world, but it’s not always easy to embrace our own bodies and stay positive.

Mike Beychok is a recovery coach who truly understands the challenges of avoiding negative self-talk.

He shares his own struggles with food addiction and eating disorders and how that influences the work he does with his clients.

Mike also explains how a positive body image can influence recovery and provides practical tips for accepting who you are, even as you work to increase your overall health and wellness.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 1
  • Audio File: rewired_radio/rr214.mp3
  • Doctors: Mike Beychok, MA, CPT, CMO
  • Featured Speaker: Mike Beychok, MA, CPT, CMO
  • Guest Bio: Mike-BeychokMike Beychok is currently a Doctoral Candidate at Ryokan College. Mike received his degree from the University of Santa Monica (USM) in Spiritual Psychology. He has been facilitating all age ranges for over 10 years and has helped countless individuals work through their issues.

    Mike decided to become more specifically involved in the addiction field, as he saw the great need for coaching that specialized in recovery. Using a very open and intuitive approach, he is easily able to connect with clients to help guide them to a supportive and successful recovery. Having struggled with food addiction and eating disorders himself, he has a deep understanding of what individuals may be feeling and experiencing.

    Mike's struggle with weight and body image lead him to become very active in the fields of physical fitness and nutrition. Being recruited as a walk-on for a Division-1 sports team at a top university gives Mike experience working with some of the top athletes and coaching in the world. He has a genuine passion for helping people with their fitness goals and assisting them in creating a healthy lifestyle to coincide with their recovery.

    Mike also graduated from the University of California, Berkeley, with a degree in Interdisciplinary Studies Field Major, focusing on the impacts of globalization on marketing and finance. His multiple years of experience in the fields of marketing and business development has given him the perfect background to assist Serenity with their marketing and outreach efforts daily.

    Mike looks forward to meeting and helping as many people as possible through their healing journey.
  • Hosts: Erica Spiegelman
  • Length Mins: 26:46