There are so many outlets telling kids they're not "good enough," even more so now with the endless access to social media.
Kids as young as five years old are concerned about being too fat or worried that their thighs touch. The problem doesn't only affect girls, either. Boys are also impacted, but they tend to internalize it or hide it more than girls.
A rising issue is occurring in the fitness community, where individuals are increasingly being chastised based on erroneous assumptions.
Parents and kids both need the tools to understand that they absolutely are good enough and to grow up with confidence and a healthy body image.
Marci Warhaft-Nadler is a body image advocate, eating disorder survivor and founder of the Fit vs. Fiction body image workshops for schools, which uses images and real-life stories to break down the dangerous myths related to beauty and fitness in an image obsessed world.
Listen as Marci joins host Andrea Donsky to share the work she's done in the body image realm, as well as how parents and kids can work together to overcome body image struggles and stigma.
Tuesday, 17 October 2017 00:00
Body Image: Empowering Both Kids & Parents
Kids as young as five years old are concerned about being too fat or worried that their thighs touch. How did we get here?
Additional Info
- Segment Number: 2
- Audio File: naturally_savvy/ns768.mp3
- Featured Speaker: Marci Warhaft-Nadler
- Guest Website: Fit vs. Fiction
- Guest Twitter Account: @Fit_Versus_Fiction
Guest Bio:
Marci Warhaft-Nadler is a body image advocate, eating disorder survivor and founder of the Fit vs. Fiction body image workshops for schools, that uses images and real life stories to break down the dangerous myths related to beauty and fitness in an image obsessed world. She writes for the Huffington Post and is the author of The Body Image Survival Guide for Parents: Helping Toddlers, Tweens and Teens Thrive, which gives parents the tools they need to empower their kids with the confidence they deserve.
- Length (mins): 23:49
- Waiver Received: Yes
- Host: Andrea Donsky, RHN and Lisa Davis, MPH
Published in
Naturally Savvy
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