Natural Strategies to Win the War on Cancer

Learn about natural therapies that can help support cancer treatment.
Pollution, toxic chemicals and heavy metals contribute significantly to chronic diseases.

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Natural treatments can remove toxins from the body, contributing to the healthy cells.

Cancer treatments are often toxic and can be very damaging. Other therapies may strengthen the body, reduce healthy cell damage and support the prescribed cancer treatments.

Certain botanicals can support DNA. They can also help chemotherapy be more effective.

Listen as Sylvie Beljanski joins Dr. Susanne Bennett to share how specific botanicals can help with cancer treatment.

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Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 4
  • Audio File: wellness_for_life/wl340.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Sylvie Beljanski
  • Guest Bio: Sylvie BeljanskiMs. Sylvie Beljanski is committed to supporting international leaders in environmental medicine research. She has educated thousands of people around the world about the importance of detoxification as a defense against harmful toxins that can cause serious disease and infection.

    Born in New York City and raised and educated in Paris, Ms. Beljanski completed her undergraduate studies at The Sorbonne, then went on to pursue a law degree and was admitted to the French Bar.

    Currently, she serves as Vice-President of non-profit The Beljanski Foundation is based in New York City.
  • Length (mins): 23:19
  • Waiver Received: No
  • Host: Susanne Bennett, DC