Selected Podcast

All About the Wellness Center - St. Mary's Athens Location

Take a moment to learn about St. Mary's Wellness Center, a wonderful resource right here in Athens. The Wellness Center is a fully equipped gym that is open to the general public and has been referred to as "a hidden gem" by our members. We offer a variety of memberships and services, delivered to you by a friendly, compassionate, highly knowledgeable team that has your best interests in mind.
All About the Wellness Center - St. Mary's Athens Location
Billy McLaughlin
My health- and wellness- related work experience spans over the past 7-8 years and includes 1-on-1 personal training, dietary supplement sales, participating in two Phase 2 cardiopulmonary internships, leading a Phase 3 cardiopulmonary program and most recently, gym management. I have been with St. Mary's since July 2019 initially as a cardiopulmonary rehabilitation exercise specialist and now currently the Wellness Center Manager.

Prakash Chandran: This is Mission in Action, a podcast from St. Mary's Healthcare in Athens, Georgia, focusing on patient-centered care under our mission to be a transforming healing presence within our communities. I'm Prakash Chandran.

Today, we'll be talking about St. Mary's Wellness Center, which is the region's only medical fitness center. This public gym boasts a large fully equipped gym with a wide range of group fitness classes and so much more. Here with us to discuss is Billy McLaughlin, Wellness Center Manager at St. Mary's Healthcare System.

Billy, it is so great to have you on today. You know, I wanted to get started by maybe you telling us just at a high level about this wellness center and where exactly it's located.

Billy McLaughlin: I would love to talk about the wellness center. The wellness center itself is a fully equipped gym. It is open to the public. We welcome individuals of all walks of life. We do share this building with multiple departments of St. Mary's. So typically, we are going to have our post-rehab patients down the hall. We're going to have our physical therapy patients down the hall; some imaging, x-ray downstairs.

But upstairs, my little portion is the wellness center, that fully equipped gym; friendly, knowledgeable staff. We have lots of great equipment options. And we have over 10,000 square feet of space available for you guys to get out there and move. We are located at 2470 Daniels Bridge Road. We are Building 300. When you enter the complex, we are going to be the big third building on the right. And the gym itself, the wellness center is located on the second floor of this building. And as I stated previously, we do share the department.

Prakash Chandran: Wow. What an amazing facility that you have to work with. Maybe let's talk about some of the services that you have to offer there.

Billy McLaughlin: Absolutely. I'll kind of start at the top and then I'll get a little bit more in-depth with our services. But right off the bat, it is a gym. So we are going to offer our normal memberships to, again, anyone that would like to participate. That's going to give them access, 24/7-hour access, to the facility to do all of their cardio, resistance training, any kind of workouts that they like to do.

As far as specialty memberships, we do have medical wellness programs, which would include our phase III cardiac rehabilitation and post-rehabilitation programs. Both of those will require physician therapist referrals. As far as services go, we do offer massage therapy. We have two therapists on staff right now. They are licensed massage therapists with the combined experience of 30 years. They are very skilled individuals and they both have their own specialties. We also offer personal training. Again, we are going to have really highly knowledgeable staff that are either going to have their personal training certifications or some sort of four-year degree in that relevant field.

We do have group fitness classes, a variety of group fitness classes that are going to be offered throughout the week with varying intensity levels. Modifications, of course, will be offered to all individuals within those classes.

And one of the big highlights is that 24/7-hour access. You can come in the middle of the night. You can come on Christmas Eve if you'd like to. Once you are a member, you are able to come whenever you like and work out to your heart's intent.

Prakash Chandran: This sounds a lot more comprehensive than certainly any of the gyms that I've been to before. You mentioned that as long as you have a membership, you have access to it 24/7. Let's talk about those memberships. Tell me what they are and what's included with each one of the tiers.

Billy McLaughlin: Yeah, absolutely. So we do offer a variety of memberships. You're going to have your most basic individual memberships, couple memberships, family membership. Of course, the longer duration the membership, the more value you're going to have in that membership, a little bit cheaper per month. We are also going to have those medical wellness program memberships, which would be that cardiac rehab, post-rehab.

And then we're also going to have a mix of monthly paid memberships versus annual memberships. You're going to get a much better deal with those annual memberships where you pay in full upfront. And with all of the normal memberships, excluding the medical wellness memberships, you will have that 24/7-hour access. We'll show you exactly how to access the facility after hours. We're going to show you the emergency alert necklaces that you have access to for those after-hours scenarios. If you're ever feeling unsafe or you just want that extra level of safety, you are going to have access to a necklace that when you hit that button, you're going to have someone that responds to you. You're going to have someone that is there to take care of you even if the staff is not there. Someone will be alerted and someone will respond if the situation requires it. But overall, variety of memberships able to tailor fit to anyone's needs.

Prakash Chandran: You know, for me personally, I like to get my workouts done in the morning and I like to shower at the gym and then head off to work. Do you provide lockers and showers in this wellness center facility?

Billy McLaughlin: Yes, we do. We have two shower stalls in each locker room, men's and women's locker rooms. And we also have 15 to 20 lockers in each locker room. So that's going to be open the entire time the gym is open, so 24/7 and that is cleaned daily. The showers are going to be cleaned daily, and we also provide members with additional cleaning supplies to clean in between usages. So, you know, you're entering a clean shower, you're going to exit a clean shower, so you can absolutely get in that early morning workout or even a n afternoon lunchtime workout during your hour lunchbreak.

Prakash Chandran: Yeah, that sounds great. Talk to us a little bit about the different age groups that are allowed in the gym.

Billy McLaughlin: Absolutely. So I will say some of our restrictions. You do have to be 16 years or older to have your own membership. You're going to get your access card, 24/7-hour access; access to all of the equipment, the group classes, the ability to do services. But younger than that, we do have a limitation. Between the ages of 12 and 15, you will have to be an accompanied by an adult that also has a membership. So this is very common among families where they do have younger children. And they're absolutely welcome here. We just require that level of supervision to ensure they're performing exercises safely. They're not being disruptive to other members, but they're more than welcome to come here.

Prakash Chandran: Yeah, that's wonderful. And, you know, just speaking about payment for the membership, I'm curious as to your acceptance of different types of insurance or SilverSneakers. Is that something that you can speak to?

Billy McLaughlin: Absolutely. I will speak to SilverSneakers. It is a very common question that we do get here at the wellness center. Unfortunately, we don't bill to insurance for memberships and/or services. Although we have had members utilize HSA cards, FSA cards for various parties at the wellness center, because this is a medical wellness center.

We suggest discussing this with your insurance company beforehand. It's ultimately going to come down to their policies and your specific insurance. But being a medical wellness center, it's common that reimbursements happen or certain services our doctor referred and those could absolutely be refunded, reimbursed, depending on the insurance policy.

Prakash Chandran: Okay, that makes sense. You know, obviously we're recording this and we're still in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. So I imagine that has required you to make a lot of adjustments to how you keep your members safe and just making sure that all of the equipment is clean. So maybe one of the things that you can unpack for our listeners is how you've had to adjust through this time of the pandemic.

Billy McLaughlin: I would say the biggest thing when reopening, we did have a temporary closure from March until June of 2020 with the pandemic and out of everyone's safety. Closing down for that timeframe to kind of gather thoughts, look at state policies, look at our Trinity guidance and St. Mary's guidance.

Upon reopening, we did have fairly strict rules that we had to adhere to for the member safety, for the staff safety, and that included distancing machines being one of the big ones at least six feet of distance in between machines. That led to a lot of our machines being blocked off completely. So we did have every other machine blocked or spaced to that distance.

At the time of reopening, the volumes were lower. Of course, a lot of members were not quite ready to come back to the gym yet. But it wasn't an issue at all. Everyone was extremely supportive of the decision to close down every other machine, every other cardio machine. But they appreciated it. And it may have meant that you weren't going to be able to get through your cycle of machines as efficiently as you normally do, but that extra minute of time in between or that few minutes waiting for a machine to open up was very well worth that safety, that level of safety or sense of safety that the members had.

As far as cleaning, we never stopped. I still stand by that today. The team has not stopped thorough cleaning of the facility in addition to the awesome environmental service team we have here at the hospital. The building is very clean. We have a strict schedule of cleaning machines. We rotate the machines we clean daily. The staff will clean before and after use of machines with any of their patients, any of their clients. We strongly encourage all members to clean before and after use. That way, you know you're getting onto a clean piece of equipment and you're leaving a clean piece of equipment behind you for the next person.

We have put up additional hand sanitizing stations and hand sanitizing wipes all throughout the gym in addition to wellness center cleaning wipes for the equipment. We have them everywhere, very accessible on every wall of the gym. And that's the gym itself. We do have an extra level of safety down at the beginning of the building, the entrance of the building, where everyone that enters the building, whether you're here for the gym, imaging, physical therapy, because this is a shared building, you will be temperature checked upon entering the building and you'll be asked a series of questions just to make sure you've had no contact with anyone that's potentially COVID-positive or you haven't had COVID in X amount of days before coming to the gym, just to ensure we stop that spread to the best of our ability.

Prakash Chandran: Yeah, it sounds like you're taking all of the right precautions. Now, one of the things that you mentioned was at the beginning of the reopening, the volume was much lower. So I imagine obviously that's increased a little bit, but are you also doing things to restrict capacity, for example, if the gym gets too busy?

Billy McLaughlin: Yes. Although we haven't run into that problem just yet, we do have a plan in action if that were to happen. We do have a capacity of 40 members actively working out in this gym portion of the wellness center at one time. We haven't faced that just yet. We've seen high 20s, very low 30s here at the wellness center at one time.

If that happens to be the case, we will start looking at timed workouts or certain amount of waiting areas outside. We do have seating right outside the facility that could potentially be used for that. But we haven't faced that issue just yet. And as restrictions tend to loosen, we will be able to open up more machines, which will lead to an increased capacity limit. And I'm confident we'll handle it the best way we can if that situation occurs.

Prakash Chandran: Yeah, it definitely sounds like it. So, you know, if someone is listening to this and they would like to either sign up, find out when your group classes are or just generally learn more, where can they go?

Billy McLaughlin: So straight to our website. We have all of our information on the website. We go into memberships, services, group fitness classes, our policies, procedures regarding COVID, all of the precaution we're taking. That's going to be the best source of information for the wellness center. As far as group fitness schedules go, we do post that on the website, but we also post it on our social media sites, Facebook and Instagram, in addition with any other general updates that we would have for the wellness center will also go on those social media sites. And I will say, be on the lookout for some holiday specials on those sites as well coming up in the near future.

Prakash Chandran: Yep. That is a great tip. I will definitely be paying attention to that website. One of the things that I wanted to end with is I've always found that going to the gym consistently at a certain time, I kind of developed this community. I see the same people and it's something that I actually really look forward to. So it's not only am I doing kind of service to myself and feeling good and making sure that I'm healthy, but I feel like I'm building community. Even if you're not always talking to the person next to you, you know that they're there and they're trying to be consistent with themselves as well. How do you look at community when it comes to this fitness center and just kind of bringing people or the community together?

Billy McLaughlin: I think it's extremely important. I wholeheartedly believe there are lots of benefits to be had through regular cardio and resistance training exercises, but there's a whole social aspect and community aspect to working out that can be hard to explain until you experience it so to say. But we have many members that come in at the same time day in and day out to see the same people, which they may or may not talk to, but they acknowledge they're there. And it's almost an accountability thing, knowing that you're going to go in and seeing the same people, getting a good workout. And there's such a strong sense of community here at the wellness center. It's almost like family coming in. You're going to see those people you're relying on, so and so to be next to you on the NuStep or on the treadmill for that little bit of motivation or just a general update on how their weekend went. It's friendly. It's honestly like family here.

Prakash Chandran: I love that. And just out of curiosity, I know that a lot of gyms, they kind of have a try before you buy, do you have any one of those options for the community if they wanted to just try it out to see if it's a fit?

Billy McLaughlin: We actually waive the first day where any member that hasn't been here before. You can come and work out for your first day for free, and you just require that you fill out a liability waiver and you'll have the full day. You can try a group fitness class if there's any on that day. You're open to trying all the equipment. Past that first day, there would just be a $5 day pass fee.

Prakash Chandran: Well, this has been really informative. I really appreciate your time today, Billy. Is there any final words or parting words that you want to leave with our audience before we close here today?

Billy McLaughlin: I would say check it out. We're not going to charge you to come in the door, just to look at the wellness center or we're not gonna charge you to look at our website. Just take a few minutes, stop on by. We'll gladly give you a tour, show you what we have to offer and answer any questions you may have. You're more than welcome.

Prakash Chandran: Awesome. Well, Billy, thank you so much for your time today.

Billy McLaughlin: Thank you so much for having me on.

Prakash Chandran: That's Billy McLaughlin, Wellness Center Manager at St. Mary's Healthcare System. For more information, you can visit, click health and wellness at the top of the page and search for St. Mary's Wellness Center. If you found this podcast to be helpful, please rate and share it on your social channels and be sure to check out the entire podcast library for topics of interest to you.

This has been the Mission in Action, a podcast from St. Mary's Healthcare in Athens, Georgia, focusing on how we provide patient-centered care under our mission to be a transforming healing presence within our communities. My name is Prakash Chandran. Thanks so much for listening and we'll talk next time.