Selected Podcast
3rd Eye Chakra: The Key to Intuition and Calming the Mind
Ms. Amy Crull ( Holistic Health Coach) shares information on what is the third eye chakra, where is located and how to connect with it.

Featured Speaker:
Amy Crull
Amy Crull is a Reiki Master Teacher, Yoga Teacher, Holistic Health Coach. Transcription:
3rd Eye Chakra: The Key to Intuition and Calming the Mind
Deborah Howell (Host): Welcome to Stoughton Health Talk. I'm Deborah Howell, and I invite you to listen as we talk about the keys to our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies, and get introduced to the third eye chakra in particular.
Joining me is Amy Crull, a Reiki master teacher, yoga teacher, and holistic health coach. Amy, it's such a pleasure to have you with us today.
Amy Crull: Thank you for having me.
Deborah Howell (Host): Well, we're going to explore today something that interests me very much, which is the third eye chakra, which holds the key to intuition and calming the mind, which we all need so terribly these days. So let's get started. But before we get into the third eye, let's just have a quick overview, if you would, of the entire chakra system.
Amy Crull: Yes. So, there's seven major chakras in the body and usually they're represented by rainbow colors. So you see those colors going up the spine and what those are, are little vortexes of energy. So each one is associated with specific organs and glands and physical functions and emotional and mental issues. So it's the whole package when you're talking about the chakra system.
Deborah Howell (Host): All the way up the spine. Okay. So where in the body is the third eye chakra located?
Amy Crull: So the third eye is going to be the middle of the forehead. So between and a little above the eyebrows and you could even kind of rub that area right now if you want to just kind of tune into that. It also covers your brain, obviously, your nervous system; eyes and your sinuses as well as your pineal gland. So all across the forehead, basically.
Deborah Howell (Host): And what organs exactly? I know you mentioned a few of them are associated with the chakra.
Amy Crull: So your brain, your nervous system, your eyes. So anybody with eye issues, your sinuses; anybody with sinus issues, as well as your pineal gland. So that pineal gland is that connection with our higher power and anything bigger than us. And so those are all the areas covered by the third eye.
Deborah Howell (Host): And tell us a little bit more about the pineal. People may not be, you know, as familiar with that as the others.
Amy Crull: Yes. So that is just this tiny little gland located right behind that third eye area. And a lot of times that is activating when we meditate. So it's just this beautiful gland that a lot of times you'll see represented when you're talking about the third eye. And I always tell people, like, after you've done a yoga class or maybe you've gone for a great walk and you're out in nature, just cup your hands over your eyes. And then sometimes you can see blue. Sometimes you can tap into that pineal gland, that third eye area, and sometimes you'll see swirling or energy moving almost like a lava lamp in and out. And that's your pineal gland.
Deborah Howell (Host): Pretty incredible. What other things can you tell us about this chakra?
Amy Crull: So it is associated with the color blue, so more like an indigo blue. And the sense of it is your intuition. So this is your intuition from wisdom kind of different than that intuition from our gut in our solar plexus. This is that tapping into that mind's eye, that intuition. And I always tell people, the third eye sees what your eyes can't see. So it's really just trusting that intuition that we have inside of us.
Deborah Howell (Host): Women call it their antenna.
Amy Crull: Yes, exactly. Sixth sense.
Deborah Howell (Host): And you know what? I've learned to trust it because it's right every single time.
Amy Crull: It really is. And we can go back and forth and say, "I don't know," but it's that little truth that's just whispering to you.
Deborah Howell (Host): Is there a theme associated with this chakra?
Amy Crull: Yes. This is going to be tied into our identity, like our archetype. So seeing life symbolically and then kind of peeling back all those labels we put on ourselves. So, "I'm a mother," "I'm a father," or "I'm a husband," "I'm a wife," "I'm a partner." And I always tell people, just peel back those layers and what is there, what's left when you're not all of these certain things in this world. So it's really identifying with the essence of yourself. And the element of it is light. And it's just that clear perception, that lens that you see the world through. And just kind of always checking in on it, like, "Am I perceiving that correctly? Or am I taking things personal?" You know, that kind of thing.
Deborah Howell (Host): Ah, okay. All right. So you're checking in with yourself.
Amy Crull: Definitely.
Deborah Howell (Host): Are there some ways we can connect with this chakra?
Amy Crull: Yes. So, crystals for this would be clear quartz and anything in blue color as well as amethyst. Oils would be frankincense, geranium, sandalwood, lavender. Those are just really good ways to connect with the third eye. And in yoga, child's pose. That is just such a great third eye pose. And actually in my class last night, we did child pose and then we took a block. And then you rest your head on the block and you just roll from left to right on the eyebrows. And that's just such a great stress reliever. Another yoga pose to be forward fold. So as you forward fold, you're kind of getting into that introspectiveness, looking at the internal landscape, any kind of forward fold, whether you're standing or seated.
Deborah Howell (Host): And you just sort of feel a lightness afterwards, right?
Amy Crull: Definitely. It's like starting to get into that surrender of these upper chakras, and tapping into that trust, that internal trust. So, yes, I think there is a lightness there.
Deborah Howell (Host): And what about breathing? Is there anything we can do with our breath to connect?
Amy Crull: Yes. So, especially when we do yoga, the breath is just as important as poses. So tapping into that breath is going to calm the mind. I always tell people, it's almost like taking a broom to the inside of your forehead and we are a country of overthinkers. We overanalyze everything. You know, I do it, everybody does it. So anytime you can just almost imagine, close your eyes and imagine just sweeping away every little detail that we have going around in our mind, giving yourself a break from it for a little bit.
Deborah Howell (Host): Love that. Love that. My sister has a thing that she read somewhere, it says for the next five minutes, just say this to yourself, "Don't know. Don't need to know" just for five minutes.
Amy Crull: That's so good. Exactly. Just give yourself a break. I love that.
Deborah Howell (Host): Is there anything else you'd like to add to our conversation today?
Amy Crull: Chanting just the good old "om" after maybe doing some yoga or after a walk or before bed, that really connects you to your third eye as well. And then filtering your water is a great thing, because unfiltered water calcifies the pineal gland. So if you can just filter your water, that's going to open up your pineal gland even more.
Deborah Howell (Host): Got it. And Amy, how can people reach out to you?
Amy Crull: My website is So S-P-E-R-O, Holistic, And yes, feel free to look me up there. And I also offer distant Reiki sessions there as well and distant health coaching sessions. So, we can do that all over Zoom if you don't live close by.
Deborah Howell (Host): Just beautiful. Once again, it's This has been so wonderful as always, Amy. Thank you so much for joining us today.
Amy Crull: Thank you for having me.
Deborah Howell (Host): And for more information, you can head on over to our website at to get connected to one of our providers. And that concludes this episode of Stoughton Health Talk. Please remember to subscribe, rate and review this podcast and all the other Stoughton Hospital podcasts. I'm Deborah Howell. Have yourself a terrific day.
3rd Eye Chakra: The Key to Intuition and Calming the Mind
Deborah Howell (Host): Welcome to Stoughton Health Talk. I'm Deborah Howell, and I invite you to listen as we talk about the keys to our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies, and get introduced to the third eye chakra in particular.
Joining me is Amy Crull, a Reiki master teacher, yoga teacher, and holistic health coach. Amy, it's such a pleasure to have you with us today.
Amy Crull: Thank you for having me.
Deborah Howell (Host): Well, we're going to explore today something that interests me very much, which is the third eye chakra, which holds the key to intuition and calming the mind, which we all need so terribly these days. So let's get started. But before we get into the third eye, let's just have a quick overview, if you would, of the entire chakra system.
Amy Crull: Yes. So, there's seven major chakras in the body and usually they're represented by rainbow colors. So you see those colors going up the spine and what those are, are little vortexes of energy. So each one is associated with specific organs and glands and physical functions and emotional and mental issues. So it's the whole package when you're talking about the chakra system.
Deborah Howell (Host): All the way up the spine. Okay. So where in the body is the third eye chakra located?
Amy Crull: So the third eye is going to be the middle of the forehead. So between and a little above the eyebrows and you could even kind of rub that area right now if you want to just kind of tune into that. It also covers your brain, obviously, your nervous system; eyes and your sinuses as well as your pineal gland. So all across the forehead, basically.
Deborah Howell (Host): And what organs exactly? I know you mentioned a few of them are associated with the chakra.
Amy Crull: So your brain, your nervous system, your eyes. So anybody with eye issues, your sinuses; anybody with sinus issues, as well as your pineal gland. So that pineal gland is that connection with our higher power and anything bigger than us. And so those are all the areas covered by the third eye.
Deborah Howell (Host): And tell us a little bit more about the pineal. People may not be, you know, as familiar with that as the others.
Amy Crull: Yes. So that is just this tiny little gland located right behind that third eye area. And a lot of times that is activating when we meditate. So it's just this beautiful gland that a lot of times you'll see represented when you're talking about the third eye. And I always tell people, like, after you've done a yoga class or maybe you've gone for a great walk and you're out in nature, just cup your hands over your eyes. And then sometimes you can see blue. Sometimes you can tap into that pineal gland, that third eye area, and sometimes you'll see swirling or energy moving almost like a lava lamp in and out. And that's your pineal gland.
Deborah Howell (Host): Pretty incredible. What other things can you tell us about this chakra?
Amy Crull: So it is associated with the color blue, so more like an indigo blue. And the sense of it is your intuition. So this is your intuition from wisdom kind of different than that intuition from our gut in our solar plexus. This is that tapping into that mind's eye, that intuition. And I always tell people, the third eye sees what your eyes can't see. So it's really just trusting that intuition that we have inside of us.
Deborah Howell (Host): Women call it their antenna.
Amy Crull: Yes, exactly. Sixth sense.
Deborah Howell (Host): And you know what? I've learned to trust it because it's right every single time.
Amy Crull: It really is. And we can go back and forth and say, "I don't know," but it's that little truth that's just whispering to you.
Deborah Howell (Host): Is there a theme associated with this chakra?
Amy Crull: Yes. This is going to be tied into our identity, like our archetype. So seeing life symbolically and then kind of peeling back all those labels we put on ourselves. So, "I'm a mother," "I'm a father," or "I'm a husband," "I'm a wife," "I'm a partner." And I always tell people, just peel back those layers and what is there, what's left when you're not all of these certain things in this world. So it's really identifying with the essence of yourself. And the element of it is light. And it's just that clear perception, that lens that you see the world through. And just kind of always checking in on it, like, "Am I perceiving that correctly? Or am I taking things personal?" You know, that kind of thing.
Deborah Howell (Host): Ah, okay. All right. So you're checking in with yourself.
Amy Crull: Definitely.
Deborah Howell (Host): Are there some ways we can connect with this chakra?
Amy Crull: Yes. So, crystals for this would be clear quartz and anything in blue color as well as amethyst. Oils would be frankincense, geranium, sandalwood, lavender. Those are just really good ways to connect with the third eye. And in yoga, child's pose. That is just such a great third eye pose. And actually in my class last night, we did child pose and then we took a block. And then you rest your head on the block and you just roll from left to right on the eyebrows. And that's just such a great stress reliever. Another yoga pose to be forward fold. So as you forward fold, you're kind of getting into that introspectiveness, looking at the internal landscape, any kind of forward fold, whether you're standing or seated.
Deborah Howell (Host): And you just sort of feel a lightness afterwards, right?
Amy Crull: Definitely. It's like starting to get into that surrender of these upper chakras, and tapping into that trust, that internal trust. So, yes, I think there is a lightness there.
Deborah Howell (Host): And what about breathing? Is there anything we can do with our breath to connect?
Amy Crull: Yes. So, especially when we do yoga, the breath is just as important as poses. So tapping into that breath is going to calm the mind. I always tell people, it's almost like taking a broom to the inside of your forehead and we are a country of overthinkers. We overanalyze everything. You know, I do it, everybody does it. So anytime you can just almost imagine, close your eyes and imagine just sweeping away every little detail that we have going around in our mind, giving yourself a break from it for a little bit.
Deborah Howell (Host): Love that. Love that. My sister has a thing that she read somewhere, it says for the next five minutes, just say this to yourself, "Don't know. Don't need to know" just for five minutes.
Amy Crull: That's so good. Exactly. Just give yourself a break. I love that.
Deborah Howell (Host): Is there anything else you'd like to add to our conversation today?
Amy Crull: Chanting just the good old "om" after maybe doing some yoga or after a walk or before bed, that really connects you to your third eye as well. And then filtering your water is a great thing, because unfiltered water calcifies the pineal gland. So if you can just filter your water, that's going to open up your pineal gland even more.
Deborah Howell (Host): Got it. And Amy, how can people reach out to you?
Amy Crull: My website is So S-P-E-R-O, Holistic, And yes, feel free to look me up there. And I also offer distant Reiki sessions there as well and distant health coaching sessions. So, we can do that all over Zoom if you don't live close by.
Deborah Howell (Host): Just beautiful. Once again, it's This has been so wonderful as always, Amy. Thank you so much for joining us today.
Amy Crull: Thank you for having me.
Deborah Howell (Host): And for more information, you can head on over to our website at to get connected to one of our providers. And that concludes this episode of Stoughton Health Talk. Please remember to subscribe, rate and review this podcast and all the other Stoughton Hospital podcasts. I'm Deborah Howell. Have yourself a terrific day.