Selected Podcast

What's Important To Know About Traumatic Brain Injury

Learn about traumatic brain injury symptoms and treatment options.


What's Important To Know About Traumatic Brain Injury
Featured Speaker:
Paul Hartzfeld, M.D.

Paul Hartzfeld, M.D. is the Medical Director, Neurosurgery.

What's Important To Know About Traumatic Brain Injury

 Host: This is the Summa Health Medical Minute. Today we're with Dr. Paul Hartzfeld, the Medical Director of Neurosurgery at Summa Health. Being active outdoors can raise the risk for injuries. What should we know about traumatic brain injury?

Paul Hartzfeld, MD: Traumatic brain injury occurs when a sudden bump, blow, or jolt to the head causes the brain to bounce or twist within the skull. This injures brain cells, can break blood vessels, or create chemical imbalances.

Host: What are the symptoms to look for?

Paul Hartzfeld, MD: For mild injuries, symptoms can include headache, confusion, dizziness, blurred vision, trouble concentrating, mood changes, nausea or vomiting, and slurred speech. An injury is considered severe if there is a loss of consciousness.

Host: And Doctor, what's the treatment?

Paul Hartzfeld, MD: For any head injury, you should see a medical provider for a neurological evaluation and testing to rule out brain swelling or bleeding. Mild injury treatment can often be done at home with monitoring and rest. For moderate or severe injuries, you'll need to be admitted to the ICU for close brain monitoring to rule out bleeding or swelling that could result in reduced oxygen to the brain.

Host: To learn more, visit