Wednesday, 18 September 2013 11:11

Gentlemen: Want to Reboot Your Competitive Drive?

Men, have you lost your competitive drive as you've grown older? Learn how to reboot that drive, naturally.
It’s no secret that as you age, your strength, speed and energy gradually decrease.

As men move into their 40s, 50s and beyond, they seem to lose their energy... and with it, lose their competitive spirit and drive to win.

You may say to yourself, "It’s all just part of getting old. Not much I can do about it, right?"


Andrea and Lisa are joined by Gary Kehoe, one of the world’s foremost formulators of functional foods and dietary supplements. Gary shares three things men can do to reboot their competitive drive, naturally.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 2
  • Audio File: naturally_savvy/1338ns3b.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Gary Kehoe
  • Guest Bio: Word renowned formulator Gary Kehoe is the CEO and head of new product development for Dream Brands, developers and manufacturers of natural, healthy anti-aging solutions for men and women. A consultant for many Fortune 500 companies, he formerly worked at Nabisco as a Senior Food Technologist, and managed their Functional Food category.
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: Yes
  • Host: Andrea Donsky, RHN and Lisa Davis, MPH