Life Lessons from Your Furry Friend

From unconditional love to loyalty, dogs have always had your back.
For years, dogs have been known as man's best friend and the most loyal companion that you will ever have. Who else greets you with love and excitement as soon as you walk through the door? Without any judgment, dogs have been by your side.

Yes, caring for a dog is a huge responsibility; but the hidden lessons that are gifted through their presence far exceeds any materialistic object. There's a reason why dogs are used for therapy sessions, and walked through hospital walls.

Dogs have powerful intuition, trust their gut and always are the first to react in emergency situations or when something feels unnatural. Dogs, as well as other animals, pick up on nonverbal cues, immediately recognize the situation is not right and try to protect their loved ones.

Have you thanked your four-legged friend yet?

Author and special guest, Glenn Dromgoole, explains the value you reap as you care for your companion, as well as the life lessons dogs can teach you.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 1
  • Audio File: staying_well/1350sw1a.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Glenn Dromgoole
  • Book Title: Dogs Teach Us II
  • Guest Bio: Glen DromgooleGlenn Dromgoole is the author of 26 books, with two more due out in 2014. His books cover a wide range of topics and styles, mixing whimsy with a generous dose of optimism.

    Most of his books are still in print, including What Dogs Teach Us, which was a New York Times Bestseller Plus selection for eight weeks, reaching Number 24 in Hardcover Nonfiction in 1999.
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: Yes
  • Host: Melanie Cole, MS