Wednesday, 19 February 2014 11:00

Get Your Skin Spring Ready

Tired of winter's drying effects? Get your skin smooth, supple and ready for spring.
With winter on the downward swing, spring will be sprung before you know it.

And, with the change in season, you will want to treat your skin differently than you did in the cold weather months.

Exfoliating your body and face is essential. You will want to use a gentler bead for your face, such as purifying rice or jojoba beads. With a gentle enough exfoliator, you can actually cleanse daily.

A good lightweight moisturizer helps hydrate that dry winter skin. Be careful to choose a moisturizer with no chemicals. Gel creams are popular; they do a great job and can be worn underneath makeup.

Beauty expert, David Pollock, helps you get your skin spring ready. Apply his helpful tips to your skincare routine and you will be smooth and ready for the spring in no time.

Also, check out David's toxic ten chemicals list. It might be a good idea to print out a copy so you can avoid harmful toxins in your products the next time you head to the store.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 1
  • Audio File: naturally_savvy/1408ns3a.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: David Pollock
  • Guest Facebook Account:
  • Guest Twitter Account: @JustAskDavid
  • Guest Bio: Named one of the “20 to Know” by Global Cosmetics Industry, David Pollock has more than 20 years of experience formulating innovative skin, hair and body care products, generating hundreds of millions of dollars for some of the most prestigious names in the industry, including Bliss, Smashbox, Lancôme, L’Oreal – SkinCeuticals, Brookstone, Shaklee, the Art of Shaving, Hydrox-C, Alpha Max, Nutra-Luxe, Reliv, Ted Gibson, the Home Shopping Network and more. David also hosts Beauty Inside Out on RadioMD.
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: Yes
  • Internal Notes: repeat guest
  • Host: Andrea Donsky, RHN and Lisa Davis, MPH