Wednesday, 28 May 2014 11:45

Food Democracy Now: Advocating for the Healthy Consumer

You may not think of food and the food supply as a political issue, but it truly is.
You may not think of food and the food supply as a political issue, but it truly is.

Think about it... there are elected officials who are making important decisions about agricultural policy.

Unfortunately, many of those officials are making poor decisions when it comes to the safety of the food supply and the American public.

Lisa Stokke knows this all too well. She began to see what was coming down the pike politically when she and her partner worked with the initial Obama Presidential campaign in Iowa.

And while the resulting Secretary of Agriculture appointee wasn't who she necessarily wanted, Lisa and her team knew they had made an impact on the administration.

That's when they founded Food Democracy Now!, an organization to help raise awareness about food quality, safety and sustainability.

Tune in to learn more about this forward thinking organization, as well as ways you can advocate for healthy food in your area.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 5
  • Audio File: naturally_savvy/1422ns3e.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Lisa Stokke
  • Guest Twitter Account: @food_democracy
  • Guest Bio: Lisa Stokke is co-founder and associate director of Food Democracy Now!. For nearly a decade, Lisa has focused on creating a local food system in Northern Iowa, working to connect consumers with farmers who raise and grow food sustainably. During the past several years, Lisa has organized dozens of events, including the Clear Lake Annual Earth Day Organic Lunch and also events surrounding the Iowa Farmer's Union 2007 Presidential Summit in Des Moines, Iowa, working to showcase local and organic food, farmers and opportunities for her native home in Iowa.

    In 2010, Lisa was honored to be named a “Woman Making a Difference” by Shape Magazine. As the mother of four children, Lisa knows the importance of a nutritious meal and ensures that her children eat a healthy, organic diet. She is particularly concerned about achieving school lunch reform through Food Democracy Now! and also within the local community school system and believes that the key to creating health and sustainability lies within teaching our children to be stewards of the water, land and soil. Lisa is hopeful that this administration will ensure the implementation of policy changes so that her children have a sustainable future to look forward to.
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: Yes
  • Host: Andrea Donsky, RHN and Lisa Davis, MPH