Approaching Menopause? Get in the Know with Dr. Jen Ashton

Despite advances in medical science, women still aren’t getting the right information in terms of their own health and the changes that occur during perimenopause, menopause and post-menopause.

You don’t have to be in the dark any longer.

More options exist than ever before, ranging from synthetic hormonal therapy to natural options.

Ultimately, you have to balance risks vs. benefits.

Dr. Jen Ashton joins Dr. Friedman to discuss the importance of women’s health education, as well as the complexity of the female libido.

Approaching Menopause? Get in the Know with Dr. Jen Ashton
Jen Ashton, MD
Dr. Jen Ashton is based in NYC, and is a practicing OB-GYN and also the Sr. Medical Correspondent for GMA and World News with David Muir. She is THE go-to doc for any/all women’s health issues. Dr. Ashton is becoming one of the very few MDs also with a PNS degree (Physician Nutrition Specialist®) and she is a sought after public speaker in the medical world. Ashton also trains for triathlons.