Wednesday, 10 February 2016 12:11

Smart Strategies for Women Who Are Dating

Whether you've never been married or you're post-divorce, there are a few key things to consider when entering the dating sphere.
The dating world is far different than it was even 10 or 20 years ago.

Whether you've never been married or you're post-divorce, dating coach Katy Clark says there are a few key things to consider when entering the dating sphere.

  • Effort: Is he putting forth enough to survive the long term?
  • Fun/Funny: Does he make you laugh?
  • Reality: Do your realities meet?
  • Chemistry: It doesn't have to be sparks all the time, but there should be some sizzle.

Listen in as Katy joins hosts Andrea and Lisa to share more tips and strategies for women who are dating in today's society.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 2
  • Audio File: naturally_savvy/1606ns3b.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Katy Clark, Author
  • Book Title: Seven Steps to Sexy
  • Guest Twitter Account: @fitchefkaty
  • Guest Bio: Katy-ClarkKaty Clark is your favorite, real deal, dating coach. In the mix herself, Katy encourages the old school standards, with the new school style. She has changed thousands of lives with her off the cuff, real life examples of setting standards for dating, recognizing that curb appeal matters, and having tons of  fun on this journey. Her belief that "You attract what you are" will be your inspiration to creating an even better version of yourself, and staying away from the negative dating mindset. With her encouraging books, Seven Steps to Sexy and How To Get Your Game Back, you are sure to find something to inspire you to get a good ROI on your dating time. When not paddle boarding or scouring for culinary delights, you can find Katy helping singles with Cinque Matchmaking, on her healthy living website, or having fun on a date.
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: Yes
  • Host: Andrea Donsky, RHN and Lisa Davis, MPH