The Diagnosis: What Is the Value of Food?

Dr. Mike dishes on the actual value of food.
You eat food for fuel to nourish and heal your body.

You also eat food for pleasure, enjoying the colors, flavors and textures. How do you assign a value to that food? Perhaps adding quality of food and the experience of its consumption to quantity received would give you the sum value of that food.

Americans tend to look to calorie count for the value of food. This is the thinking behind calorie count requirements at restaurants. The greatest problem is that 100 calories of fresh apple doesn't equal 100 calories of candy. The nutritional value for your body is completely different.

Listen in as Dr. Mike discusses the value of food.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 1
  • Audio File: code_delicious/1614cd3a.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Mike Fenster, MD
  • Waiver Received: No
  • Host: Dr. Mike Fenster