Fixing the Broken Boner

Erectile dysfunction (ED) impacts over 30 million men. Many turn to prescription drugs, herbal supplements, and even implants.

Certain ED conditions can be passed down genetically, as was the case in Daniel Canfield's family. 

Your general practitioner may not completely understand the condition, but proper assessments by a trained sexual health professional, including physical and mental tests, can help identify the specific cause of ED. 

Canfield joins Dr. Friedman to discuss the varying options for addressing ED, including the pros and cons for each.
Fixing the Broken Boner
Daniel Canfield
Daniel-CanfieldDaniel Canfield is a successful business owner and host of the award-winning popular podcast “Broken Boner Radio.” Canfield is on a mission to help the 30 million men in the U.S. who suffer from some degree of Erectile Dysfunction.

Having been born with ED, Canfield knows all too well the shame, guilt, isolation and fear that can come with living a sexually dysfunctional life.

In 1994, with the advent of drugs such as Viagra and the world’s enlightenment that ED was an “actual thing,” Daniel’s triumphant journey turned down the path of self- discovery, proper professional diagnoses and accurate ED treatments. His carefully prescribed process-of-care culminated in Daniel receiving a penile implant in August of 2012.

Whether keynote speaking, educating online or hosting his podcast, Canfield’s upbeat and entertaining message to men and women (who may not fully understand this condition) is one of knowledge, empowerment, action and hope.

Canfield lives in San Diego, CA, with his wife and three young adult sons.