The Setpoint Diet: Change What Your Body "Wants" to Weigh

Are you tired of being on the roller coaster of dieting? You lose five pounds, gain them back only to have to fight to lose them again.

Plus, there are so many diets to choose from, deciding on one can be dizzying.

Are your efforts in vain?

According to Jonathan Bailor, your body fights to keep you within a range of about 15 pounds -- also known as your "setpoint weight." New research reveals that you can lower your setpoint and end that battle for good by focusing on the quality of calories you eat, not the quantity.

In his book, The Setpoint Diet, Bailor discusses how to reprogram your body with a 21-day plan that will rev up your metabolism, eliminate inflammation, heal your hormones, repair your gut, and get your body working like that of a naturally thin person... permanently.

Listen as Bailor joins Dr. Friedman to explain how you can overcome your dieting struggles, lose weight naturally, and find your "thin" you.
The Setpoint Diet: Change What Your Body "Wants" to Weigh
Jonathan Bailor
Jonathan BailorJonathan Bailor pioneered the field of Wellness Engineering and is the founder and CEO of one of the world’s fastest-growing permanent weight loss and diabetes treatment company, SANESolution. He authored the New York Times bestseller The Calorie Myth, has registered over 26 patents, has spoken at Fortune 100 companies and TED conferences for over a decade, and served as a Senior Program Manager at Microsoft, where he helped create Nike Kinect Training and Xbox Fitness.

His work has been endorsed and implemented by top doctors from Harvard Medical School, Johns Hopkins, the Mayo Clinic, the Cleveland Clinic, and UCLA. A summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa graduate of DePauw University, Bailor lives outside Seattle with his wife, Angela, and daughter Aavia. To learn more, visit: