Encore Episode: Why Do We Drink Alcohol?

Have you ever wondered why we believe drinking a powerful poison is both "normal" and "pleasurable"?
Have you ever wondered why we believe drinking a powerful poison is both "normal" and "pleasurable"?

It took Lee Davy 35 years to ask himself that question, and once he found the answer, he learned to quit smoking, alcohol, gambling and pornography. He also quit his job and created a new one, survived a terrible divorce and losing everything he owned (including the right to father his son), and learned to piece it all back together again.

Lee is the host of the Alcohol & Addiction Podcast, the founder of the Needy Helper and Needy Helper Hub, and the author of the Needy Helper 2015 Diary Excerpts: A Life After Quitting Alcohol.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 1
  • Audio File: rewired_radio/rr207.mp3
  • Doctors: Lee Davy, Addiction Specialist
  • Featured Speaker: Lee Davy, Addiction Specialist
  • Guest Bio: Lee-DavyIn 2009, Lee Davy gave up alcohol to save his marriage. It didn’t work. His wife divorced him, and in a blink of an eye he had lost everything he had known and loved for the past 20 years.

    Undeterred he flung himself into sobriety and changed every facet of his life. Today, Lee has overcome addictions to nicotine, alcohol, gambling, sugar, and pornography, as well as becoming vegan, and learning to fall in love all over again.

    He gives back to the world by inspiring and coaching others to do the same through The Alcohol & Addiction Podcast, The Needy Helper, The Needy Helper Hub, and The Needy Helper Community Forum.
  • Hosts: Erica Spiegelman
  • Length Mins: 25:26