Universal Deathcare: A Solution for Healthcare in the Age of Entitlement

Healthcare in the US has become a touchy, politicized topic. Our guest says it's a broken system and is here to tell us why.

In fact, Dr. Reagan Anderson wrote a book on the issue, Universal Deathcare: A Solution for Healthcare in the Age of Entitlement.

Dr. Reagan Anderson is a former Combat Doctor with two deployments to Iraq who is now attacking the healthcare crisis with an informed and comprehensive strategy borne from being a successful Dermatologist, business owner, professor, speaker, author, and entrepreneur.

Listen to this encore episode from April 2021 as he talks about the importance of prevention in modern healthcare, getting people to take control of their own health, and how we got to such fragmented and political views of healthcare.
Universal Deathcare: A Solution for Healthcare in the Age of Entitlement
Dr. Reagan Anderson
Dr. Reagan Anderson is a former Combat Doctor with two deployments to Iraq who is now attacking the healthcare crisis with an informed and comprehensive strategy borne from being a successful Dermatologist, business owner, professor, speaker, author, and entrepreneur. His life is dedicated to individually and collectively empowering us all to take control of our health and mend a fracturing healthcare system.