"Ask the Doctor" with Dr. David Friedman

Tune in for the answer to these questions from listeners:    

This inflation is unbearable. With food prices on the rise, are there any money-saving strategies that you can share?
Nancy Meadows - Schaumburg, IL

I drink 1-2 glasses of red wine with dinner. Is there a specific type of red wine that's healthier or does it not matter?
Eileen Mitchells - Valdosta, GA  

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Are some healthier than others, and what about the sugar content in apples?
Brenda O'Brien - Casper, WY

I want organic pasture-raised eggs, but always doubt the ones in the grocery store are actually pasture-raised. Do I need to go to a farmers market?
Kristin McCarthy - Springhill, TN

I have a food intolerance to several things I used to be able to eat with no problem. Why all of a sudden am I not able to eat foods I used to love?
Dolores Cohen, Tennessee 

I love to salt my food. Is salt really as bad as we've been led to believe?
Mark Evans - Tampa, FL

I suffer from candida and try all of the supplements but it always returns. Any suggestions? 
Ann Burkus, Sarasota, FL 

I'm drinking a lot of lemon water but I'm worried all of the acidity is bad for my stomach. Do you concur?
Pat Richards - Raleigh, NC

Are meal replacement shakes & bars ok to use instead of eating food if I want to lose weight?
Fran Denison - Albuquerque, NM

I suffer from migraines. Is there a supplement I can take that might help? 
Anna Edwards, Asheville, NC

Do you have a question for DrFriedman? Send it to him at AskTheDoctor@ToYourGoodHealthRadio.com

If he answers your question on the air, he’ll send you a signed copy of his award-winning, #1 bestselling book, Food Sanity: How to Eat in a World of Fads and Fiction. He’ll also include a free copy of his audiobook, “America’s Unbalanced Diet” (over a million copies sold!).

To stay updated with DrFriedman’s latest articles, videos, and interviews, go to DrDavidFriedman.com.

You can follow him on social media:
X and Facebook: @DrDavidFriedman
Instagram: @DrDFriedman