‘Tis the season to make grand gestures and promises that might not be kept until the end of 2018. 

Vowing to give up alcohol is a popular New Year’s resolution, and focusing on the benefits that come with it can help you make it stick. 

If you’re considering becoming a teetotaler for 2018, or just decreasing the amount you drink, you’ll be in good company. 

However, by the time Valentine’s Day rolls around, you might need a few reminders on why your resolution is so good for you.

Keep in mind that alcohol is actually the most dangerous drug in North America. Just because it’s legal doesn’t mean it’s not a drug (caffeine is arguably the most used drug). 

Alcohol is related to harmful traffic accidents more than any other type of drug. While it’s easier than ever to depend on a designated driver thanks to car-sharing apps, it’s just one of many reasons you might want to give up drinking and get a fresh start.

Here are seven more: