How to Handle Dental Emergencies

Do you know how to deal with a dental emergency?
Many people have dental emergencies. How well prepared are you?

Here are some quick tips for common dental emergencies.

  • Loose braces bracket: Apply dental wax to the edge. Make an appointment with your orthodontist to repair during office hours.
  • Braces wire irritation: Apply dental wax or cotton swabs to make the area comfortable until your orthodontist or dentist can examine.
  • Broken tooth with root: Clean it off and have it placed back in the socket within 45 minutes. Preserve the tooth in milk or saliva. Get to a dentist or the emergency room immediately.
  • Pain, blood or swelling: These indicate a true dental emergency. Call your dentist right away.
  • Loose crown: Call your dentist to arrange re-cementing. 
  • Broken filling: Call your dentist to arrange replacement.
Going to the emergency room for a non-urgent matter will be expensive. It’s wise to wait until your dentist’s office hours for anything that doesn’t have pain, blood or swelling.

Listen as Dr. Karson Kupiec joins Melanie Cole, MS, to advise on how to handle dental emergencies.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 1
  • Audio File: lifes_too_short/ts27.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Karson Kupiec, DDS
  • Guest Twitter Account: @smileoutfitters
  • Guest Bio: Dr. Karson KupiecDr. Karson Kupiec is a second-generation orthodontist with multi-specialty orthodontic pediatric offices in Rancho Santa Fe and Imperial Valley, California. Dr. Kupiec started practicing in 1999 and is focused on delivering the highest level of comprehensive care for adults and children.

    Performing in the top 10% of his class during each of his four years in dental school, Dr. Kupiec received his dental degree from Creighton University School of Dentistry in Omaha, Nebraska. Simultaneously, he completed numerous research projects, publishing and presenting them to the International Association of Dental Research. Dr. Kupieccompleted his residency at the University of Louisville where he received his Masters degree and orthodontic certificate. Since then, he has been featured in medical radio shows and dental publications as a leader in his industry

    Dr. Kupiec is a member of the American Dental Association, American Association of Orthodontists, California Dental Association, and the Pacific Coast Society of Orthodontists. He is also the president of the Imperial Valley Dental Society.

    The charismatic Orthodontist enjoys being part of the community by sponsoring local sports leagues, school fundraisers and church organizations. His practice hosts ongoing field trips for girl scouts and kids from surrounding schools to tour the office and learn about dental care. He lectures at local businesses and schools in San Diego about orthodontics and how kids can implement a lifetime of good oral habits. Dr. Kupiec believes in giving back and has already been on numerous missionary trips to other countries such as Russia, Nicaragua, Mexico, Peru, Belize, Panama and more.

    Kupiec Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry are your “Smile Outfitters,” with two facilities equipped with the latest tools and technological advances in the industry. Dr. Karson Kupiec and his staff of expert Dentists are dedicated to creating a positive experience every time you visit a Smile Outfitters office. 

    In his spare time, Dr. Kupiecenjoys being at home in Del Mar with his three children and spending time outdoors fishing, hiking or flying his plane.
  • Length (mins): 10:00
  • Waiver Received: Yes
  • Host: Melanie Cole, MS