Tuesday, 25 June 2019 17:50

5 Important Factors that Help Cancer Patients in Remission

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Being in cancer remission is the opportunity you need to improve your life. You have a chance to enjoy better health by making lifestyle changes.

Commit to take care of yourself by staying healthy and having a positive mindset.

Healthy Eating
Stick to eating fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Maintain a healthy weight and don’t smoke or drink alcohol. You can consume alcohol in moderation. Eating a variety of foods is important to maximize nutrition. Each day, eat at least five servings of vegetables and fruits. Lean protein, such as tofu and fish, and low-fat dairy are healthier options as well.

Be as physically active as you can by incorporating exercises like swimming, jogging and walking into a regular exercise routine. Exercise also has plenty of mental health benefits like increased focus, lower stress levels and positivity. Besides this, reduce your risks of getting depression, ADHD, anxiety and other serious issues. Lose weight, increase energy levels, reduce pain, sleep better and lower your risk for chronic disease among other things.

Decreasing Stress Levels
Worry about what’s really important, and that’s your health. Try managing stress with spirituality by doing meditation, yoga or prayer. Be positive by seeing your weaknesses as strengths. You can use your experiences with cancer for a good cause by volunteering. Find a meaningful opportunity by using websites like Volunteermatch.

Improving Mental Health
Cancer affects your body physically, but can also take a toll mentally and emotionally. Each person’s experience with depression, anxiety, or other mental hardships can vary. It helps to know the signs of your mental health struggles before symptoms worsen.

Don’t ignore or try to repress your fears of recurring cancer. Instead, be honest with yourself about what’s bothering you. Cancer clinics, like a prostate cancer clinic, can provide you with resources and information on what to look for in cancer recurrence and also point you in the direction for getting help with your mental health.

Seek Support
Having the support of friends or family can keep you from becoming depressed. You may also consider joining a cancer support group. It can be easier to get through stressful times when there are people around you who understand your feelings and the ordeal that you’ve been through.

Have peace of mind by taking control of your life and health. Encourage yourself to be positive each day by keeping a journal. No matter what, know how important it is to persevere through the obstacles life puts in your way.