Thursday, 01 November 2018 19:17

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Children with Cerebral Palsy

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Cerebral palsy is a condition that causes varying degrees of disability. It is usually caused by brain damage suffered in the womb or during or soon after childbirth—often a result of medical errors or malpractice—and it is a non-progressive, but lifelong and incurable condition. 

Some individuals have mild disabilities, while others live with debilitating mobility limitations and other complications. 

While there is no cure for cerebral palsy, treatments like hyperbaric oxygen therapy may help patients enjoy a better quality of life.
Thursday, 01 November 2018 18:54

One Woman's Struggle with (& Solution to) Atrial Fibrillation

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For more than four years I dealt with horrible fatigue. I wore monitors, visited cardiologists, pulmonologists, obstetricians and primary care physicians, but the fatigue continued. 

In 2009, during a CAT scan and ultrasound meant to check on a gall bladder issue, my physician happened to discover a large atrial myeloma in my heart. I underwent open heart surgery in March of 2009 at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Following surgery, I dealt with atrial fibrillation (Afib), but after a few weeks everything seemed to return to normal and I no longer noticed Afib as an issue.

Fast-forward to 2014, at which point I began to experience overwhelming fatigue caused by Afib.

That post-summer sluggishness usually kicks in every October as we head into fall. The temperatures drop and the one thing that makes winter’s rapid approach evident regardless of climate is the loss of daylight. 

For many, this loss of daylight also leads to a loss of energy, an uptick in short temper and even bouts of depression. 

How can we ease into the rapidly approaching winter months?
Thursday, 25 October 2018 19:17

In a Car Accident? 5 Steps to Get on the Road to Recovery

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No matter how serious, a car accident can be a very traumatic experience. The last thing you want to think about after you're in an accident is dealing with the short and long-term physical effects of the crash. Unfortunately, it is also essential that you do deal with these issues as quickly as possible. 

Getting back on track is possible using the right tools. In this article, we will go over five steps to take to get on the proper road to recovery.
Thursday, 25 October 2018 12:45

Hack Your Way to Frugal Fitness: Expert Workout Tips

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Achieving a toned, fit body does not have to break the bank. 

Yoga and Pilates classes, personal trainers and gym memberships are not financially realistic for all people. For parents, going to the gym means having to worry about childcare, therefore adding another expense. 

Just because you don’t have a fat wallet does not mean you can’t get buff. The following are budget friendly at home fitness tips from Gerald Mayes, a certified fitness trainer with
Tuesday, 23 October 2018 21:27

Living with Kidney Disease? 5 Things You Need to Know

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Kidney disease is often not caught until fairly late in its progression. This can leave you with few options when it comes to treatment. 

However, there are steps you can take to better understand and manage your disease. Here are just a few of the things that you should know.
Tuesday, 23 October 2018 21:02

A Toolkit For When Other People's Anxiety Affects Us

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Anxiety is a pervasive illness: studies show that spending time with people who are stressed or nervous can trigger our own anxiety through proximation

For Americans, the prospect of “spreading” anxiety may help explain why generalized anxiety is the most common form of mental illness in the country, affecting about 18.1 percent of the adult population. 

If someone you love struggles with anxiety, it’s important to set boundaries and understand the symptoms, origins, and triggers of their mental illness, so that you are better equipped to manage your own mental health during times of high stress.
Tuesday, 23 October 2018 20:05

Painsomnia Is Real & Patients Can Prove It

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It’s 12:43 AM and I am wide awake. Sharp pains shoot through my toes and fingers from nerve pain due to inflammation caused by my rheumatoid arthritis (RA). 

If only my legs would stop throbbing and my elbows weren’t so swollen and stiff, I might be able to get back to sleep. I try to adjust my body twenty different ways as I attempt to fall asleep, but it’s no use. I am awake. 

It’s a night that is dominated by painsomnia, or being unable to sleep because of pain.
Wednesday, 17 October 2018 16:37

Healthy Twists on Tailgate Fare

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Filling the tables at a tailgate with delicious dishes is a team effort, and you can always count on plenty of the typical hearty offerings fit for a linebacker. This season, add a little variety to the lineup with some lighter (but equally delicious) dishes. 

Read on for healthy twists on tailgating classics.

When you think of artificial intelligence (AI), maybe your first thought is of popular voice assistants like Siri and Alexa. Or, maybe you think of customer support chatbots and driverless cars. 

No matter what your first thoughts are, we cannot discount the one area of our lives that AI has drastically improved: our healthcare. Medical professionals are beginning to utilize machine learning to carry out a number of tasks, including completing complex surgeries and making better-informed decisions focused on top-quality patient care. 

One particular medical area that artificial intelligence has improved is the interpretation and accuracy of mammograms. With Breast Cancer Awareness Month now underway, here are the great strides we’ve made with AI to improve test results and strive to detect breast cancer at the earliest stage possible.
Thursday, 04 October 2018 14:42

How Sleep Can Affect Your Health (And How to Do It Better)

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Everyone needs sleep. It’s what allows the body to regulate and clean its systems and restore itself. Sleep plays a vital role in physical and mental health and leads to an overall sense of well-being.

Too few people get enough rest, however. In fact, while the recommended amount of sleep for adults is 7-9 hours a night, the average American adult only gets 6.8

Here’s a list of just some of the ways that this sleep deprivation can affect your health, and how to improve your sleep habits so you can lead a healthier life.

A diagnosis of cancer within children is a surreal moment. Most parents cannot believe their ears in these situations. During National Health Education Week, both parents and children can learn a lot more about cancer; particularly those that are rare and aggressive, including mesothelioma. 

Mesothelioma isn't an ailment that gets a lot of attention in the younger years, and it can affect even the smallest child. Explore the facts and hopes surrounding this cancer so that loved ones can fight on against childhood tumors.
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