Monday, 24 June 2019 12:32

How Do Allergies Affect Your Heart?

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Although allergies do not cause heart disease, there is a correlation between the two. According to several studies, common allergies and cardiovascular diseases are connected, with the latter being the leading cause of death in countries such as the United States. 

What researchers found was that with wheezing comes an increased risk of heart disease, while rhinoconjunctivitis, a combination of allergic symptoms such as runny nose and itchy, watery eyes, came with a 40% higher chance of heart disease, which was particularly noticeable in tested women who were under 50. 

So, the question arises: How exactly do allergies affect your heart? Let’s find out.
Tuesday, 18 June 2019 14:43

Don't Let Your Fear of Flying Ground You This Summer

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More Americans will travel the skies this summer than ever before, an aviation trade group said in a recent study. Airlines for America said it expects nearly 260 million travelers will fly U.S. airlines this summer. 

Even with those statistics, as many as 25% of all Americans suffer some nervousness about flying and remain grounded due to fear. The most extreme suffers have a condition called aviaphobia, where the mere thought of air travel causes them to shudder. 

How can people break this cycle and see the skies as “friendly?”

Stress-related illnesses are actually extremely common and are one of the most difficult things to combat. Part of this is identifying an illness as related to stress. When you get sick, the immediate response is rarely thinking that you are simply stressed, it’s to assume that it’s an illness. 

The other problem is the cyclical nature to psychosomatic illness, where stress induces an illness and then being in the state of having the illness causes more stress, which in turn continues to propagate the illness etc. 

Given the frustrating and difficult nature to it all, let’s take a look at some ways to help you cope with it and, ultimately, try to eliminate it.
Monday, 10 June 2019 15:41

What Can Happen If Dual Diagnosis Is Left Untreated

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Individuals who suffer from co-occurring mental illness and addiction often face unique obstacles to overcome in sobriety. 

Unfortunately, many symptoms of mental health conditions are similar to the symptoms of substance abuse, so co-occurring disorders can be difficult to diagnose. Furthermore, this makes it important to diagnose and treat dual diagnosis patients for both disorders simultaneously.
Tuesday, 04 June 2019 15:46

How Pets Benefit Your Mental and Physical Health

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After a long, difficult day, you turn the key in your front door and your mood instantly improves... you know you’re going to be greeted by your comforting pet who is supremely happy to see you. 

While pets (especially dogs) give owners an obvious boost in their mood, pets help their humans improve their mental and physical health, too. 

Even more, these benefits aren’t limited to dogs, and may even include some alternative pets you’d never considered.
Tuesday, 04 June 2019 15:37

Keep a Healthy Home for a Healthy Body

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A few years ago, I had some family staying at our home. While watching a movie, one of my nephews stood up in the middle of the room and began puking. I will save you the details, but know it was not a pleasant sight. 

A few minutes later, his brother joined in. We all stood around in shock; they had obviously come down with the stomach flu. 

No one likes getting sick, but I must confess that I am a really big wimp when I do catch the dreaded bug. Eager to defend my home, I grabbed my bottle of cleaner and several rags, ready to clean up.
Tuesday, 04 June 2019 14:45

How to Survive and Thrive the Summer as a Single Person

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Summer can be one of the toughest times to be single.

There’s nothing worse than looking at Instagram or Facebook and seeing your married/couple friends off on vacation in the South of France or spending the weekend at a BBQ in the Hamptons while you stare longingly at your dog in your cramped apartment wishing your fire escape could morph into the Caribbean Sea or a gondola in Venice. 

If you haven’t met Mr. or Ms. Right by Memorial Day weekend how can you salvage your summer?
Sunday, 02 June 2019 16:55

7 Tips for Couples to Survive Postpartum Depression

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You just had a new baby with the love of your life, so why are you feeling so depressed? 

Research shows that postpartum depression (PPD) affects about 15 percent of mothers. PPD is a severe mental state that follows childbirth. This condition is characterized by depression, intense pessimism, despondency, and a feeling of hopelessness. 

PPD is often brought on by new hormonal changes, fatigue, and the psychological adjustments that come with motherhood.
Friday, 31 May 2019 13:51

7 Ways to Beat Those Sugar Cravings

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Sugar cravings are a formidable opponent to anyone trying to stay on a nutritious path. Sugar cravings can attack in the middle of the day or night, and it takes the will power of a comic book hero to say no to such temptation. 

But, what if we can identify and address the underlying reason why we feel such a need for sugar?
Tuesday, 28 May 2019 18:58

Mental and Physical Health Benefits of Hiking

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Ever heard the expression, “Just walk it off”? For ages, people have been venturing into nature as a cure for all sorts of physical and mental ailments. From depression and anxiety to feeling tired and sleepy after a big Sunday lunch, hiking can solve many of your health problems and get you feeling fresh and energized. 

If you’re interested in grabbing some hiking poles and heading out, here are all the benefits you can expect to reap.

Foggy vision can be caused for a variety of reasons. While it may be tempting to jump to the worst case scenario, there could be a simple reason that your eyes are having problems. 

Here are some of ideas that can help you to diagnose your symptoms.

If you want to stay healthy as you age, you’ll want to be checked for certain health conditions that are known to affect people who are over the age of 50. Getting screened for these health problems can help identify underlying issues that can be treated more successfully in their earlier stages. 

Here are four conditions to check for when you turn 50.
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