Sometimes it can be hard to explain why we do the things we do. 

It is common to experience stress, anxiety or frustration in our lifetime, but what we do to cope with these things matters the most. 

There are times where you may catch yourself biting your nails, picking at your skin, or even avoiding physical interactions due to germs. 

But how far is too far?

Trying to get any child to lay off the candy and brush their teeth can be a challenge.

Yet, for parents of children with special healthcare needs, it can be even more problematic as there are variables that put them at a higher risk for dental problems.
Monday, 07 May 2018 20:36

Protect Your Skin from 5 Common Summer Problems

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Who doesn’t love the summer? 

Most people enjoy being outside as soon as the weather breaks, spending long days under the hot sun. But, take heed if you head out for hours at a time. There are consequences when it comes to the amount of time your skin is exposed. 

Here are some common problems that many of us consistently experience each time summer rolls around.

Did you know that good oral health has been linked to your body’s overall health?

Most mineral deficiencies and diseases are usually complemented by oral symptoms.

The value of dental visits can’t be emphasized enough as they help you maintain your overall oral health.

The month of May is packed with several Mental Health Awareness themes of which “National Anxiety and Depression Awareness Week” is the biggest. 

Of these two conditions, anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States. According to the ADAA (Anxiety and Depression Association of America), anxiety disorders affect 40 million adults over the age of 18 or more than 18 percent of the population. 

Even though there are effective means of managing anxiety, only 36.9 percent of sufferers are actually doing something about it. In fact, it is not uncommon for those with an anxiety disorder to suffer from depression or someone with depression to suffer from anxiety.

Spring is the time for renewal, and there’s no better time to hit the refresh button on your health. 

This past winter season has been especially brutal to our health, between the life-threatening cold and flu season to being holed up in our homes due to inclement weather… which is why we all really need to hit the refresh button on our health to shake off the potential damaging effects of inactivity, lack of sunshine and suppressed immune systems.
Friday, 27 April 2018 17:32

Chronic Pain Management: 5 Healthy Ways to Find Relief

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For those struggling with chronic pain, it can sometimes seem like you’re running out of options—you’ve tried everything, but your nerves are still on fire. 

It turns out you may have more within your power than you think. 

A slew of recent research has found compelling support for lifestyle changes and healthy habits that can significantly reduce pain and enhance coping strategies.
Thursday, 26 April 2018 13:35

New Survey Reveals Parkinson’s Disease Hidden Symptoms

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Everyday activities most of us take for granted are much harder for people managing Parkinson’s disease (PD). 

Over one million Americans are diagnosed with PD (many more have the disease and do not recognize the symptoms). While some of the symptoms are easy to see and familiar, such as tremor, stiffness and slowness of movement, PD is more than motor symptoms. 

Symptoms vary from person to person and can be hard to see on the outside, but often have a significant impact on the person with PD, their care partners, adult children and management of day-to-day life. 

Luckily, many of these symptoms can be managed under the care of a movement disorder specialist-neurologist.
Wednesday, 25 April 2018 22:01

5 Ways to Learn Fast & Retain More

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The sooner you realize that learning never ends, the more willing you’ll be to expand, elevate in your profession, thrive in your life and even generate more income. 

Learning and studying can be difficult once we are long past our college years.

For all the old dogs who might be reluctant to learning new tricks, we tapped the expertise of Dr. Sanam Hafeez, a New York based Neuropsychologist and Teaching Faculty at Columbia University, to share five ways to learn fast and retain more so we can quickly grasp new concepts, technologies, business strategies and up-level our willingness to learn.
Friday, 20 April 2018 23:34

How to Have “The Talk” with Your Aging Parents

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More than 10,000 people in the U.S. turn 65 each day, and 90 percent want to spend their senior years in their homes. 

Aging in place has psychological benefits for seniors because it allows them to remain socially active in their communities and maintain established relationships. It also saves on finances, as assisted living facilities cost an average of $49,635 annually.

But as time takes its toll on bodies and minds, aging in place becomes risky — if not problematic. If your parents aren’t ready to budge from their place of residence, yet you sense a decline in either their home upkeep or self-care, it’s best to be proactive before a crisis occurs. 

This requires more than a phone call to check in with them. Their answer to “How are you doing?” will most likely be “We’re fine.” To make staying in their home viable, you’ll need to channel your inner Sherlock Holmes and go on a fact-finding mission.
Friday, 20 April 2018 23:24

Stem Cell Therapy Offers New Hope for What Plagues Us

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We’ve long been conditioned by the medical establishment to treat any acute or chronic symptoms with symptom stoppers. Decades of turning to anti-inflammatory or pain medications have engrained this practice into our psyches. But after exhausting the over-the-counter medications (NSAIDs) options until our livers are screaming for some relief, surgery is the next step. 

But conventional treatments are slowly losing their attraction and efficacy as patients become more educated and search for better options. 

Today’s smart patients have a huge list of options before them when dealing with musculoskeletal problems and degenerative illnesses. Whether it’s elite athletes looking for more efficient ways to recover from injuries so they can return to their sport, or individuals with lingering back pain who need relief, or the man or woman with a degenerative condition that needs multiple types of treatments, adult stem cell therapy and activators are promising new disruptive technologies in regenerative medicine. 

They are becoming game changers for healing and regaining quality of life. 

Remember those moonshot earth-friendly resolutions you made last Earth Day? How many did you keep up with? 

Don’t feel bad; many of us are in the same boat. Turns out big changes are easier to make with many small changes –- changes that almost seem effortless. Because they are effortless, small changes are so much likelier to be kept!

Going green can be especially overwhelming. One of the biggest obstacles to improving environmental conditions is our daily habits. 

However, if we can start by making a few minor shifts in our daily routines, it can add up to making a big difference.
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