Tuesday, 22 August 2017 20:15

4 Achievable Steps for Turning Burnout into Brilliance

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Stress is eroding the lives of too many of today's professionals. 

A landmark study by the Mayo Clinic identified the traits associated with workplace stress and burnout, including emotional exhaustion, bitter cynicism, a plummeting sense of accomplishment and "a tendency to view people as objects rather than as human beings." 

Whether you suffer from all these symptoms or just one or two, know that life doesn't have to be this way.

We're all born with a spark, and then life piles on. But it's possible to clear off the muck so you can shine brilliantly again.
Tuesday, 22 August 2017 00:02

7 Old Wives' Tales About Diet & Weight Loss

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An estimated 45 million Americans go on a diet each year, and Americans spend $33 billion each year on weight loss products. Yet, nearly two-thirds of Americans are overweight or obese. 

With all of this money expended, why are so many people unable to lose weight? 

Dr. Christopher Calapai, a New York City Osteopathic Physician board certified in family and anti-aging medicine, says that “People are dealing with dieting information overload. It is hard to know what weight loss advice is actually true and what is a myth.” 

He sets the record straight on some of our most commonly held diet and weight loss myths.
Monday, 21 August 2017 21:41

5 Ways Hypnosis Leads to Sustainable Weight Loss

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If you have trouble losing excess weight, it’s likely that your body and mind are conspiring to keep that extra weight on you. When you’re bored or sad or upset, the brain’s natural tendency is to make the body do something to feel better, and food provides the immediate gratification.

However, bodies of research show that hypnosis works in partnership with weight-reduction therapy by revealing the subconscious motivations for keeping you trapped in unhealthy behaviors, such as eating in response to emotional distress. These hidden traps are why willpower alone is so often ineffective.

Using the mind to reprogram your response so that you’re not reaching for food all the time is an effective way to regain control of eating. The technique involved in hypnosis not only helps you understand why you want to eat when you’re not hungry, but also why you don’t feel like changing the behavior that, consciously, you know would be best for you.

Here are five ways that hypnosis addresses subconscious behaviors and leads to sustainable weight loss.
Monday, 21 August 2017 21:28

10 Powerful Health Foods & Why They Are Good For You

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We all know that “health is wealth,” yet we still find eating healthy boring and a chore. That will no longer be the case after you become aware of the benefits of powerful, healthy food. Once you understand the importance of healthy food, you can easily take charge of your health. 

These health foods not only provide you with energy but also benefit your body in numerous ways, including illness prevention. Easy to get your hands on, you can incorporate them into your daily diet for better health and energy.

Let’s get started.
Tuesday, 15 August 2017 23:53

Top Post-Summer Skin Issues & How to Fix Them

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As we head into the cooler months, the weather change impacts your skin. 

You may notice changes to texture, tone, perhaps some breakouts and over all ruddiness and damage from being outside enjoying the summer. 

Here are some of the most common post summer skin issues I see in my practice along with some solutions for them.
Monday, 14 August 2017 13:04

Top 5 Back-to-School Stressors & How to Bust Them

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While the start of a new school year comes with excitement for kids, it also comes with stress. 

It’s common for kids to feel overwhelmed this time of year, especially as they navigate the challenges that crop up with a new school year. This stress can manifest itself in stomachaches, headaches, loss of appetite, and even depression. 

Here are five common top back to school stressors and how parents can help their kids to bust them.
Monday, 07 August 2017 20:52

Why Sleep Is More Important than Exercise or Diet

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Few people exist in this world who dislike sleeping. For the unusual portion, their reason for the distaste is that it’s a waste of time. 

The truth is that couldn’t be more wrong, seeing that sleep is one of the most important foundations of a healthy life... something most of us aren’t aware of, because we take it for granted. 

For those who experience sleep issues, getting a good night’s rest is a blessing. This attitude is how we should see it, as being rested allows us to function normally in our everyday lives. 

For every aspect of your health, from hormone regulation to staying fit, sleep is vital. 

Here are some more reasons why you should do your best to sleep well (and enough) every night.

When you’re in extreme pain, you’ll do anything to make it stop. A doctor tells you that one pill can temporarily put an end to your pain, and it seems like a no-brainer. 

Prescription painkillers seem harmless enough. After all, most of us have taken them at one point or another. 

However, there are some dangers that come with taking prescription painkillers with addiction being at the top of the list.

Many painkillers fall into the opioid category, which means they are narcotics.

With the healthcare system is crisis, tons of red tape and fewer doctors accepting insurance, managing one’s health has become a major challenge. 

More and more women are skipping key exams simply because getting appointments are a hassle and obtaining coverage isn’t always guaranteed. That said, there are some key tests and exams that every woman must have at various times of her life. 

If you’re going to put a preventative care plan together for yourself it’s important to know which tests are necessary to maintain optimal health. 

Dr. Christopher Calapai, a NYC board certified expert in osteopathic medicine specializing in longevity, recommends these tests.
Monday, 17 July 2017 11:19

Cool Facts on Cryotherapy

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Although chryotherapy has gotten more and more popular thanks to celebrities such as Jessica Alba, Jennifer Anniston, Mandy Moore and even master motivator Tony Robbins; there are many out there still unaware of what it is, how it works and its benefits. 

Dr. Lenoard Hochstein, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon and owner of Hochstein Med Spa in Miami who offers the treatment to models, athletes and high powered entrepreneurs, offers some facts to help you determine if cryotherapy is for you.
Friday, 14 July 2017 10:44

Do You Know Which Vaccines Teens Need?

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According to a new survey conducted by the Unity Consortium, 92 percent of parents and 88 percent of teens surveyed believe it is important for all teens to be vaccinated, but the stark reality is that vaccination rates are lower than where they should be. 

For instance, less than 50 percent of male teens and 65 percent of female teens have received the first dose of the HPV vaccine series, despite it preventing certain types of cancer. 

Unfortunately, the survey showed that both parents’ and teens’ attitude towards preventive health and vaccines could impede them taking action to improve their future health prospects.


Social media is so much a part of our lives these days, it’s easy to forget there was ever a time without it. 

It can be wonderful… it’s a great way to keep up with friends and family and share news, pictures and your thoughts with the world.

But, like most things on the Internet, social media has a dark side. A lot of drama happens there, and the effects might be more wide-ranging than you imagined. Remember, something shared just once on social media is out there on the Internet forever.

Even if you manage to avoid getting sucked into the harmful online drama, social media can affect your marriage by making you less attentive towards each other. How many times have you seen a couple out enjoying a coffee together, with both of them scrolling through their phones and ignoring each other? 

Social media can bring people closer together, but it can also create barriers and shut you off from your partner.

Here is how you can protect your marriage from social media. Try out these nine tips to reduce negative impact on marriage caused by social media.
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