The deep connections between gut and brain health are frequently overlooked. 

It’s a fact that alterations in the gut microbiome can lead to a whole host of symptoms, including changes in mood and brain function. These trillions of bacteria are interconnected with the vast signaling and communications taking place between the gut, brain, immune system and hormones. The microbiome even creates many of the biochemicals the brain uses to process emotion and thought. 

When the microbiome is healthy, your mood is lifted and you experience a deep sense of well-being that can never come from a pill. In an unhealthy state, it’s common for anxiety, depression, brain fog, and memory and concentration issues to pop up. For the greatest impact on brain health, look to the microbiome for the answers.
Wednesday, 01 February 2017 21:00

Do You Need a Therapist? 5 Signs that Point to YES

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You lose a loved one, a job, a relationship, a pet or get into an accident, have an injury, gain weight, have a baby, return from war or experience something else that just rattles you to your core. You know something isn’t right, you feel a bit off, but continue living your life thinking you’ll get over it. 

We all have been there and often with time we do get over it, sort of. These life scars helps us to grow and while that is great in theory, the pain that comes with growth can take a toll on us. Our mental health is directly connected to our physical health. 

When we see illness we know it’s a clue our mental outlook is out of whack. 

Do you need a therapist? How can you tell?

While most dermatologists and doctors preach the benefits of drinking more water, water gets boring. 

Perhaps you’ve done just about everything to make your plain glass of water more enjoyable. If you’re running out of ideas and are tempted to reach for a caffeinated beverage you’re not alone. 

Top experts suggest the following six fresh infused water recipes that pack a punch of flavor and add health and beauty benefits to your H2O. 

If you’re new to infused water it’s easy. Chop up the ingredients, let them sit overnight in your water pitcher, and sip your way to healthy hydration inside and out.
Tuesday, 24 January 2017 14:07

Men's Health: Crucial Screenings You Don't Want to Skip

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Although figures are gradually showing signs of improvement as awareness grows, men are not always on top of undergoing crucial tests and screenings.

Missing these screenings at pivotal points in a man’s life may lead to illness and even death.

Here is a look at some of those tests and screenings you simply can’t afford to skip.

Have you ever watched a baby nurse? It’s amazing to watch a cranky, tense, hungry infant instantly slip into a relaxed, sleepy, almost drunken state. 

We sometimes attribute this familiar scene to the beauty of the mother-baby bond. 

But, the truth is, in a benign and loving way, mother’s milk really does deliver a mild drug-like compound to the baby. 

Drug-like compounds in milk? It’s true. Think about it this way: if a baby, a calf, or any other mammal didn’t want to nurse, the survival of the species would be in trouble. So, nature devised these compounds to reward babies for nursing. 

America, we have a problem. More than two-thirds of adults in the U.S. are overweight or obese. The statistics are staggering, but they shouldn't lead us to believe the problem is insurmountable. In fact, it's not, and there's plenty of proof. More than a half-million people have lost over 50 million pounds by learning to conquer their food cravings that have little to do with physical hunger.

Because our food choices are mostly driven by emotional rather than physical hunger, we eat to satisfy some kind of longing. It's critical that we redirect our emotional eating.

Every time you're at a decision point with food -- which, by the way, happens over 200 times a day for most Americans -- stop and take a few breaths. Ask yourself: What is the best choice for the body I want?

Beat the defeat of unhealthy eating habits and get back to your optimal weight by using these seven strategies that work.
Wednesday, 11 January 2017 14:22

Cold Weather Exercise: Surviving the Elements

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As the temperatures continue to drop outside, we find ourselves cooped up indoors, whether that be at home, at work or at the gym hiding from the painfully cold, wet weather. 

As the itch kicks in to get outdoors and get some fresh air, follow the tips below for soothing those cold, wet weather aches and pains during the long winter months.

Do you often feel that your life has spun out of control? Would you describe your day-to-day life as empowered and purposeful, or a harrowing rollercoaster ride of drops and turns that have you holding on for dear life?

Most people whose lives have swung off course can't fathom how to get them back under control. They can't see the way out of an unhealthy job, relationship, or poor self-image. But, be assured, it is within every person's power to take back control and find more tranquility and satisfaction from life. In fact, research shows that seeking engagement and meaning correlates with life satisfaction.

Finding a way to engage in what brings you joy and meaning comes from learning to embrace three fundamental principles: sweetness, structure, and space. They can take you from an overwhelmed, passive lifestyle to an empowered, fully engaged life.
Friday, 30 December 2016 11:28

Cancer Moonshot Initiative: Year One in Review

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Close to a year ago, President Obama was giving his final State of the Union address. In this address, he announced that Vice President Joe Biden would be leading an initiative to cure cancer. “For the loved ones we’ve all lost, for the families that we can still save...let’s make America the country that cures cancer once and for all,” exclaimed President Obama.

This was a very bold statement; one that also strikes very close to home for VP Biden. In May 2015 he lost his son, Beau Biden, to brain cancer.

With this personal understanding of how traumatic cancer can be, Biden head lead the way for the last year to make sure the Cancer Moonshot is an initiative that truly changes the way we view and deal with cancer.

So what has actually changed over the last year? What is the outlook going forward? How are those battling rare cancers being affected?
Friday, 30 December 2016 10:56

My "Dear John" Letter to 2016

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Dear 2016, 

What these letters usually say is, "It's not you, it's me," but that would be lying. 2016, it was you who damaged our relationship, with all the tragedy and angst. 

You took Bowie and Prince, George Michael, Merle Haggard. 
Each one's passing left us torn and tattered.

You forced us to bid goodbye to John Glenn and Glenn Frey. 
You took Alans Rickman and Thicke without batting an eye.

Pat Summitt, Craig Sager, John Saunders, Gwen Ifill... 
Without the curse of disease, you'd all be with us still.

Doris Roberts, Gene Wilder, Gary Shandling, Gary Marshall,
Your absence has swung us from cheerful to tearful.

Many of my patients ask me if they should get a new smart watch or other type of fitness tracker for themselves or a loved one this holiday season. 

I get excited to discuss these products with my patients, but caution them that no device by itself will make you healthier. 

Staying fit requires discipline, hard-work, and patience. Nonetheless, I think these devices are a helpful tool in our fitness and wellness endeavors.

Your tongue is unique to you, and you may be surprised to know that you can tell a lot about your health by looking at it. 

Head to the mirror and stick your tongue out. If you’re healthy, your tongue should be an even pink color and you should be able to see tiny bumps over the surface. These bumps are called papillae. There are four different types of papillae on the tongue.

Filiform papillae: This type covers most of the front of your tongue. Unlike the other papillae, they do not contain taste buds, but give your tongue its slightly abrasive surface.

Fungiform papillae: Found on the upper surface, the tip and sides of your tongue, these papillae have the ability to discern five tastes: bitter, sweet, sour, salty and umami.

Foliate papillae: These are found on the sides of your tongue in short vertical folds. They contain many taste buds.

Circumvallate papillae: Found at the back of your tongue, circumvallate papillae also contain taste buds.

What Your Tongue Reveals About Your Health

Your tongue is made up of a group of muscles, which you use all the time for speaking, eating, and swallowing. If you are having a problem with it, it can be very uncomfortable. Your dentist can tell a lot about your health by the condition of your tongue, from whether you drink a lot of soda to whether you have an eating disorder. 

Keep reading for a rundown on what the appearance of your tongue can tell you about your health.
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