Thursday, 02 May 2019 12:55

Craniosynostosis: What Parents Need to Know

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If your baby has been diagnosed with craniosynostosis, you are most likely feeling a level of anxiety. You also probably have a lot of questions. Ahead, learn more about this condition and what you can do to help your baby.
Tuesday, 23 April 2019 18:29

5 Ways Marriage Benefits Your Mental Health

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The internet is full of marriage tips about how to stay healthy and active as a couple, but what about taking care of your mental health?

The World Health Organization reports that one in four people are affected by mental disorder. These disorders may include depression, OCD, anxiety or panic attacks, eating disorders, PTSD, bipolar, schizophrenia, and suicidal feelings.

These are not easy things for anyone to deal with, especially not in a romantic relationship. The good news is, studies show that a happy marriage can actually have a positive effect on your mental health.
Friday, 19 April 2019 16:09

What Medications Should Be Avoided During Pregnancy?

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More than half of women experience sickness during pregnancy, making it a very common pregnancy-induced condition. The good news is that anti-sickness medication can be taken for this. 

However, there are a lot of medications that should be avoided during pregnancy, which can present a problem when there are so many illnesses that can occur throughout the nine months, as well as plenty of women having preexisting conditions that they’re already on medication for. 

Knowing what to avoid is important for both mother and baby’s health, but it’s also necessary to not suffer in silence and find safe, alternative medications for a happy, healthy pregnancy.
Friday, 19 April 2019 16:02

How to Handle Carpal Tunnel Syndrome from Typing Strain

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Carpal tunnel syndrome is a repetitive strain injury that’s often caused by frequent typing and other motions that put strain on the hands, wrists and forearms. If carpal tunnel syndrome has affected you because of long hours working at a computer, you can try many ways to alleviate your symptoms and treat your condition. 

Here are some of the best methods for handling carpal tunnel syndrome from typing strain.
Tuesday, 16 April 2019 13:39

How to Confront Someone with a Drinking Problem

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April is Alcohol awareness month, and its main focus is to bring attention to the alcoholism issue that is still very real in America. 

Alcoholism does not discriminate. It touches all walks of life and not only affects the alcoholic, but all those who are involved in the alcoholic’s life. Having said that, if you do know someone with a drinking issue, it is time to start considering trying to get them help and informing them you are worried about their situation. 

This is not something that is easy to do and it definitely doesn't always go well. Just always remember this: If you are trying to help someone, you are trying to save their life. It's okay if it doesn't go well as long as your intentions are good! 

Here are some tips if you plan on confronting someone you know.

Chances are you haven’t heard of sarcopenia before, yet you need to be informed about it. 

Sarcopenia is better known as age-related muscle loss, strength and functionality. That may not sound so bad, but this decline in muscle and strength are important risk factors for disability and increased mortality as we age.

According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services, approximately 70% of organizations are not HIPAA Compliant. 

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, known as HIPAA, mandates industry-wide standards for health care information and electronic billing, and requires protection as well as confidential handling of protected health information. According to HIPAA rules, any company that deals with protected information must have a physical network and process security measures that are followed to ensure compliance. 

It may be safe to say that many organizations are still perplexed about HIPAA audits, enforcements and compliance. As a result, the number of organizations that fail to meet compliance each year remain the majority. To begin understanding compliance, healthcare organizations would be wise to consider three key recommendations.
Tuesday, 09 April 2019 19:38

Restore Me to Sanity

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I was picked on quite a bit in school because I was short in stature. 

Looking back, I understand I was easy prey. I did not wear the same clothes, listen to the same music or follow the same "cool" trends as other kids. I was an outcast. I was different.

A year later, I found my first escape from reality: alcohol and marijuana. I would soon discover my dad's prescriptions for Phentermine and Ultracet and take them before and during classes. Occasionally, I would steal my parents booze in a flask and sneak it into school.

Sciatica occurs when painful sensations run along the path of the sciatic nerve. This condition can sometimes occur for seemingly no reason, but there are medical conditions that may be linked to the cause of sciatica. 

These four conditions are among the most common causes of sciatica.
Friday, 05 April 2019 20:08

Regaining and Maintaining: 4 Secrets to Good Health

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If you have recently experienced a drop in your weight and are worried about regaining it, there are a number of things that you can do to improve your overall health and add zest and energy to your life.

Regaining control of your well-being, in addition to your weight, may be as simple as following special simple steps to put you on the road to better health.

By using an approach that deals with both mental and physical issues, you will be better at regaining and maintaining your health.

Younger children have a very tough time expressing pain, and that is one of the reasons why it is so difficult to diagnose certain conditions at an early age. While most minor health issues are going to pass on their own, you need to keep an eye out for serious medical problems. 

Here is a quick glimpse at four conditions that all parents should be on the lookout for.
Friday, 05 April 2019 19:57

What to Do When Your Neck Pain Won't Go Away

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Chronic neck pain is a serious health issue that should never be ignored. While everyone is going to experience some discomfort over the years, pain in the back and neck should fade after a few days if it’s truly minor. 

Here is a closer look at some steps that you need to take if your neck pain won’t seem to go away on its own.
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