Saturday, 15 December 2018 15:14

How to Introduce a Loved One to a New Nurse

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In the U.S., 26 percent of seniors receive a mixture of paid care and family care, and nine percent rely solely on paid help, such as nurses who come to their homes. 

While the elderly aren’t the only people who need to get used to new nurses, they often require nursing services in order to age in place. No matter the age of the patient, it’s important for that person to feel comfortable with a new nurse.
Monday, 10 December 2018 11:28

Putting My Dog to Work Helps Children Feel Better

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My dog Deuce is a shaggy black lab mix rescued from a kill shelter in the southern part of the United States. I took a leap of faith, adopted him and paid the fee to have him transported to New England without having ever met him. 

I have been a guardian companion to dogs my entire life but had never before encountered a puppy with his level of energy and extra-terrestrial enthusiasm for human companionship. It was if he were two puppies rolled into one. 

It didn’t take long for me to realize that this high energy and very social puppy was desperately in need of a task or mission. I decided that signing up for training and certification as a therapy dog might be just the career he needed.

Approximately 45 million Americans go on a diet each year, but researchers at UCLA say 80 percent of dieters will gain back the weight within two years. 

Whether you are trying to detox after vacation, get back on track after a holiday or improve your health before the new year, many people focus solely on weight loss and turn to fad diets for a quick fix. Rather than fixating on the scale, it’s best to choose a diet that promotes long-term health benefits for lasting results.

Diets that do more than help you drop weight have the potential to increase your lifespan, improve brain function, or even aid in major disease prevention. I’m sharing three top diet plans recommended by registered dietitians and nutritionists that can help you reap some major health benefits alongside weight loss.
Thursday, 29 November 2018 21:25

The Eyes Have It: Vision Protection in the Age of Technology

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Considering the ubiquity of electronic screens in the modern world, it should come as no surprise that problems with the eyes are becoming extremely common. 

Indeed, eye issues related to prolonged screen time has led the American Optometric Association to recognize Computer Vision Syndrome as a real medical disorder. 

Taking proactive steps to protect your visual health has never been more crucial. Let's go through three easy ways you can protect your eyes from the negative impacts of electronic screens both at work and at home.
Wednesday, 28 November 2018 13:15

Why Binge Holiday Drinking Is Anything But Merry

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’Tis the season to eat, drink and be merry. Some of us, however, take those festive suggestions to dangerous lengths and end up binge drinking.

While one night of imbibing multiple drinks may only leave you with a hangover, using the holidays as an excuse to drink abusively from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Eve can lead to alcoholism and other negative brain/body effects.
Wednesday, 28 November 2018 12:55

How Art Therapy Helps Quell Anxiety

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Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., with around 40 million Americans (or 18% of the adult population) battling them. 

According to a recent poll undertaken by the American Psychiatric Association, this percentage is continually growing, with some of the biggest sources of anxiety being safety, health, and finances. 

If you are facing anxiety or panic attacks and you feel helpless, the good news is that there are so many ways in which you can attempt to limit or eliminate this problem, including controlled breathing, yoga, meditation, and, if you are creatively inclined, art therapy.
Wednesday, 28 November 2018 12:47

Swaddle with Care to Protect a Baby’s Tiny Hips

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Infant swaddling is a common practice, as many parents and caregivers believe it can help soothe their baby and improve sleep. It entails wrapping an infant in a light cloth or blanket to provide a kind of cocoon.

Although swaddling has been shown to reduce crying and promote sleep, if not done properly, it could harm an infant’s tiny hips.

Like many with dwarfism, I surprised my parents when I was born. Only one in 15,000 to one in 40,000 live births results in a person with achondroplasia, the most common form of dwarfism.

Despite my genetic condition, I was a healthy baby and child. I attended a normal school and took dance lessons for 13 years. Like any other kid, I played outside, went to birthday parties and occasionally fought with my older brother and sister. In elementary school, I was shorter than my friends, but I always assumed I’d grow taller and be more independent despite my dwarfism.
Wednesday, 14 November 2018 14:57

Beauty Hacks that Cost Less than a Gourmet Cup of Coffee

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We all know that cosmetic-plastic surgeons and dermatologists earn their living by operating or non-invasive procedures. Most of these endeavors are costly for patients. 

It’s rare that any aesthetic surgeon will let us in on things we can do daily that don’t require us to visit them! We are fortunate to have Dr. Manish Shah, a Denver board-certified plastic surgeon share secrets with us, that in many cases cost nothing or less than a gourmet cup of coffee.
Monday, 12 November 2018 11:52

Winter Health Myths, Busted!

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There are endless winter health myths that we have heard from well-intentioned grandparents and parents. They have become so ingrained in us that we take them as cold hard facts. 

Many of these myths have no more basis in reality than Santa Claus. Of course, everyone wants to stay as healthy as possible during the frosty months. 

In order to do so sensibly, we turned to Board Certified NYC internist and gastroenterologist Dr. Niket Sonpal.
Thursday, 08 November 2018 14:35

It’s Not Just a Man’s Disease. Addiction Affects Women Too

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According to a report by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, men are more apt to experiment with all types of illicit drugs; however, it also states that women are just as likely as men to become addicted and more susceptible to craving and relapse.
Thursday, 08 November 2018 13:47

Indulging without Discomfort this Holiday Season

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The holiday season means spending time with family and friends while reflecting on what you’re thankful for. The season is also synonymous with indulging in delicious, decadent foods. 

Between the office parties, family dinners and football games, the continuous splurging on comfort food at these celebrations is something to look forward to, but it’s also the reason that I call this time of year “heartburn season.”

According to the American College of Gastroenterology, more than 60 million Americans experience heartburn at least once a month, and some studies suggest that more than 15 million Americans experience symptoms each day. Consuming more rich food and sugary cocktails than usual during the holidays can make the problem even worse. To quickly recover from heartburn and indigestion issues, it’s best to come prepared with some easy solutions for relief.
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