We don’t usually think of the moments of our lives as an opportunity to learn something valuable about ourselves. Instead, we often take them for granted and waste them on negative, unproductive thoughts. 

Still, it is this present moment that matters the most. 

If we value the moments of our lives, we won’t want to let any moment go by without having lived it as truthfully and authentically as we can.

We have some 60,000 to 70,000 thoughts a day, and many of them are negative: I can’t do that. I’m not good enough. It’s never going to happen for me. I don’t deserve this. 

As we embark on a new venture or work toward a new goal, they pop up and wreak havoc on our plans and self-confidence.

Since thoughts create beliefs, which then create behaviors, negative thoughts can undermine you right into a standstill. But, there’s a way to stop negative thoughts right in their tracks. All it takes is challenging them with seven direct questions, starting with: Says Who?