You just had a new baby with the love of your life, so why are you feeling so depressed? 

Research shows that postpartum depression (PPD) affects about 15 percent of mothers. PPD is a severe mental state that follows childbirth. This condition is characterized by depression, intense pessimism, despondency, and a feeling of hopelessness. 

PPD is often brought on by new hormonal changes, fatigue, and the psychological adjustments that come with motherhood.

The internet is full of marriage tips about how to stay healthy and active as a couple, but what about taking care of your mental health?

The World Health Organization reports that one in four people are affected by mental disorder. These disorders may include depression, OCD, anxiety or panic attacks, eating disorders, PTSD, bipolar, schizophrenia, and suicidal feelings.

These are not easy things for anyone to deal with, especially not in a romantic relationship. The good news is, studies show that a happy marriage can actually have a positive effect on your mental health.