Following a visit with her primary care doctor in the late 90s, where bloodwork showed concerning liver levels, Gayle Best embarked on a medical journey that led her from the classroom to a liver transplant ward. Diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver, Gayle endured years of living with the condition, relying on medication to manage her symptoms until they became too much to handle and forced her to leave her job. In May 2000, Gayle's life took a profound turn when she underwent a liver transplant. This transformed Gayle's life and allowed her to return to teaching, which she continued to do until retiring in 2022. “Please remember to pray for the people who donated the organs," Gayle said. "They’re responsible for me being here today.”
At any time, nearly 1,000 Kentuckians await a lifesaving organ transplant. Without donors, organ transplantation is not possible. To learn more or to register as a donor, please visit