Selected Podcast

Ep18 - The Psychology of Doctor Who: Dr. Travis Langley

What You’ll Learn in this Episode:

  • The psychology behind Dr. Who and the humanity and personality of the character and how that relates to us.
  • Stability vs. change, and how our personality changes over time but our core traits remain the same. How you change certain things in your life.
  • The science behind compassion and how showing compassion benefits both people.
  • Why we’re afraid of being turned into something else, and how we can hang on to our sense of meaning, direction and purpose.

High Five Highlights:

  • Question he gets asked the most: Why Batman? (Answer: Because he’s the only super hero without super powers).
  • Advice he would give his younger self: Always remember life is good.
  • Favorite super hero: Batman.
  • When did he start using fiction to start teaching psychology: In 2007 he realized he could use the filter of fiction to teach real psychology.
  • The most important thing he’s learned in his life: Life is good, you get one life, live it well, have a job that is intriguing, not just one that pays the bills, scare yourself as part of having a full and interesting life.

Connect with Dr. Langley!

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