Ep24 - Living with Type-2 Diabetes: Yvette Nicole Brown

What You’ll Learn in this Episode:

  • How her life changed with her diabetes diagnosis.
  • What she would tell someone just diagnosed with type-2 diabetes.
  • How to prevent dental problems associated with type-2 diabetes.
  • How to achieve greatness in whatever you do.
  • Why she makes a “fruition” board every year.

High Five Highlights:

  • Biggest lesson she’s learned from recently being diagnosed with type-2 diabetes: Move your body and brush your teeth.
  • Best advice she was ever given: No matter what it looks like today, it will always get better.
  • What inspires her the most: Giving back.
  • What other actor she would most like to work with: Sandra Bullock.
  • Her favorite quote: “I know the thoughts I have for you, sayeth the Lord, thoughts to prosper you, not to harm you, thoughts to bring you to an expected end.” Jeremiah 29:11

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